In the News

Laconia Citizen: Kuster visits shelter to combat homelessness

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Congresswoman Ann McLane Kuster (D-NH) visited the Bridge House Shelter Tuesday to discuss homelessness and the many other issues veteran service members face. Kuster’s visit to the shelter was part of her ongoing effort to combat veteran homelessness and military sexual assault, platforms close to her own heart. Kuster has spent her time in office co-sponsoring and proposing bills to address these issues and working to reduce the backlog of disability benefit claims filed through Veterans Affairs, a problem that has been plaguing the department for years.

Concord Monitor: Kuster visits Bridge House on tour of states veterans facilities

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U.S. Rep. Annie Kuster visited them Tuesday, as part of her three-day tour across the northern part of the state to different veterans’ facilities. Kuster, a Hopkinon Democrat and a member of the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, is the daughter of a pilot who flew in World War II, and she said she wants to end homelessness among veterans and find permanent dwellings for each and every man and woman who’s served the country.

Associated Press: Kuster plans 3-day swing to northern NH

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U.S. Rep. Annie Kuster is heading to northern New Hampshire to focus on economic development and access to affordable health care for veterans. Kuster is spending three days in the North Country next week, starting Tuesday with a veterans’ roundtable in Gorham. She'll also be making stops at a veterans’ center in Colebrook and touring businesses in Errol and Littleton.

Union Leader: NH rape victim joins forum on sexual assault in military

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Judy Atwood-Bell is speaking out as a rape survivor, hoping to be the voice for veterans who have suffered similar sexual assaults. The New Hampshire resident and veteran of the U.S. Army shared her personal struggles during a roundtable discussion Tuesday at Nashua Community College.

Union Leader: Salem firm is struggling to find help

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With his Salem-based firm continuing to grow, Donald Tyler, managing director of Corfin Industries LLC, said it’s been increasingly difficult to find qualified help these days. The company, a leading manufacturer of component preparation services to a variety of industries, has more than 90 employees.

Lawrence Eagle-Tribune: Kuster promotes jobs, research in Salem

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It was only 22 years ago that Corfin Industries — a growing local aerospace and defense contractor — opened for business with just a handful of employees. Now, the Raymond Avenue company is up to 90 employees and doing business around the world, producing electronic components for everything from high-powered missiles to medical devices.

Nashua Telegraph: Forum: Ending sex assault in the military will take a change of culture

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Ending sexual assault in America’s armed forces will require making a big change in the military culture, experts said Tuesday. Those experts also agreed that it won’t be easy. “Culture change can take 10, 20 years,” said Jill Rockey, director of the Crisis Center of Central New Hampshire and a former Detective Sergeant for the New Hampshire State Police. “It’s not just prosecutions, not just therapies … it’s changing the culture.”

Lawrence Eagle-Tribune: Kuster hears New Hampshire seniors' concerns

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Kuster, who has co-sponsored a House resolution that opposes the Chained CPI method used to figure COLAs, said she will continue to speak out on the issue in Washington and fight for senior citizens. “I am determined to stop this,” she said. “It makes it much more difficult for seniors to make ends meet.”