In the News

Keene Sentinel: Hinsdale housing park receives grant

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A local manufactured housing park has been awarded a federal grant to help fund the repair of its water system. The Oak Hill Acres Cooperative will received $11,250 from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Pre-Development Planning Grant program, U.S. Rep. Ann M. Kuster, D-Nashua, announced Friday. The grant will go toward repairing the park’s failing water distribution system, she said in a news release.

Lawrence Eagle-Tribune: N.H. reacts to Supreme Court gay marriage decision

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Congresswoman Annie Kuster, D-N.H., said the ruling was a step in the right direction. “This is a major victory and an enormous step forward in the march toward equality for our country,” Kuster said, “but our journey will continue until all Americans are treated equally under the law, no matter who they love.”