Catching Up with Annie

An incredible story

Dear Friend,

Honoring Those Who Have Served

I was deeply honored to present a Purple Heart and Prisoner of War Medal to the family of Private First Class Lawrence Minnehan on Tuesday. Lawrence was captured in battle in January 1945 and became a prisoner of war before escaping and reconnecting with allied troops. His story is truly incredible, and we owe a tremendous debt of gratitude to him and all the men and women who serve our nation.

With Lawrence Minnehan's family and friends

Keeping Christa McAuliffe’s Spirit Alive

I was thrilled to see the Christa McAuliffe Commemorative Coin Act of 2019, which I introduced earlier this year, signed into law by the President on Wednesday. This legislation will create a commemorative coin to honor Christa McAuliffe, and the proceeds will go toward the FIRST Robotics program, which was founded by Manchester-based inventor Dean Kamen. Christa was a remarkable person and teacher who inspired her students to shoot for the stars and have a passion for science and exploration. This coin is a wonderful way to honor her memory and keep her pioneering spirit alive for generations to come.  

Recognizing Our Brave Law Enforcement Officials

Last Friday, I joined Senator Hassan and Congressman Pappas in Concord for the annual New Hampshire Congressional Law Enforcement Awards ceremony. Law enforcement officers put themselves in harm’s way every day to protect our communities, and I was proud to honor them for going above and beyond to keep us safe. We cannot thank these brave Granite Staters enough.

At the Law Enforcement Awards. Read more here.

Protecting the Northern Forest

On Monday, I had a great discussion in Warren with Northern Forest experts from Dartmouth College, US Forest Service, and other organizations to explore solutions to protect our precious Northern Forest region. I appreciated the opportunity to hear from these experts, and I look forward to our continued work together to combat climate change in New Hampshire.

In Warren discussing our Northern Forests

Addressing Our Declining Bird Population

On Tuesday, I held a roundtable discussion at the Audubon McLane Center in Concord to hear from local and regional experts about the causes of the widespread decline in North American bird populations and the impact this is having in New Hampshire. A recent article published in Science Magazine reported that the number of birds in the U.S. and Canada has fallen by 29 percent since 1970. This is a tragedy, not only for wildlife lovers like me but for the entire ecosystem in which birds play a crucial role. Fortunately, dedicated researchers and wildlife professionals can draw on previous success stories of specific restoration initiatives like the rebound we’ve seen in eagle and loon populations. We know that collaborative efforts supported by smart federal investment can help address the issues facing today’s bird population.

At Audubon McLane Center. Read more here.

Improving Health Care Delivery

In rural areas like the Plymouth region, it can be very difficult for Granite Staters to access the health care services they need. I was glad to visit Speare Memorial Hospital in Plymouth this week to hear from hospital leadership and community partners about the hospital’s work and strengthening rural health care. Our conversation further illustrated the importance of ensuring health centers like Speare have adequate resources and support. I look forward to bringing their insights back to Washington as I work with my colleagues to ensure all Americans, regardless of zip code, have access to quality, affordable health care.

At Speare Memorial Hospital. Read more here.

Expanding Access to Rural Broadband

On Wednesday, I met with the Consolidated Communications team and local stakeholders in Chesterfield to discuss how we can work together to improve broadband access in New Hampshire. As a member of the Rural Broadband Task Force, it was great to learn more about Consolidated’s upcoming project to bridge this gap by implementing fiber-to-home high-speed connections in the Chesterfield community. In the 21st century, access to high-speed broadband internet is crucial to the success of Granite Staters and local businesses.

Meeting with Consolidated Communications and stakeholders

Learning about Federal Funding Opportunities

I held a workshop on federal funding on Wednesday in Keene. It was a pleasure to sit down with Granite Staters so they can learn more about the grants process and meet with folks from the Northern Border Regional Commission, the US Department of Agriculture Rural Development Office, US Environmental Protection Agency, and other organizations to help them succeed. I’ll continue my efforts to ensure New Hampshire businesses and communities have the support they need to thrive.

Holding the Federal Funding Workshop

Preventing Counterfeit Electronics

Yesterday, I toured Colt Refining and Recycling’s electronics facility in Hudson and met with leadership to hear more about the facility’s work. I appreciated the opportunity to hear from Colt about their concerns over counterfeit microchip production in China, a concern that I share. Counterfeit chips are pervasive in our defense supply chains and threaten the reliability of critical military technology. We must work to ensure that sensitive e-waste is properly recycled in the United States so that we can help prevent counterfeit electronics from coming into our country and safeguard our homeland security. 

At Colt's Recycling Facility. Read more here.

Encouraging Workforce Expansion

I also visited the Comcast call center in Hudson yesterday to tour the facility and hear from staff about the center’s work. The center employs around 600 people and serves the greater New England region. I look forward to continuing my work to encourage workforce expansion in the Granite State.

At the Comcast call center in Hudson

Here for You

I encourage you to continue contacting my office with any questions, concerns or ideas you have. I love hearing from you! Thank you, as always, for everything you do to make New Hampshire such a wonderful place to call home. I hope you have a great weekend!
