Catching Up with Annie

Making Progress to Lower the Price of Prescription Drugs

Dear Friend,

A Faithful Public Servant

Like so many people across the country, I am deeply saddened by the death of my colleague, Chairman Elijah Cummings. Elijah will be remembered as one of our democracy’s greatest defenders, who served his country and community faithfully for decades. He inspired those around him to lead with conviction, compassion and fortitude. Elijah’s legacy will guide us in preserving the values our nation holds dear for years to come. My heart is with his family and the people of Baltimore.

Lowering Prescription Drug Costs

I was proud to join Representatives Haley Stevens, Jahana Hayes, and Terri Sewell to introduce H.R. 4669, the Maximizing Drug Coverage for Low-Income Seniors Act – legislation to help some of our most vulnerable Americans afford the medications they need while also saving save taxpayer dollars. I continue to hear from Granite Staters who struggle to pay for their prescription drugs. This problem requires a multifaceted solution, and this legislation is a commonsense approach that will ensure our most vulnerable Americans are matched with the Medicare Part D prescription drug plan that’s best for them, saving senior and taxpayer dollars. 


               Talking about H.R. 4669 on the House floor. Watch here.

Last night, I joined my colleagues on the House Energy and Commerce Committee to advance H.R. 3, the Lower Drug Costs Now Act of 2019, in the Committee’s 10 hour-long markup of the legislation. I am proud to be a cosponsor of this legislation, which would allow Medicare to negotiate drug prices directly with drug companies and ensure Americans aren’t paying excessively high prices for the medications they need to stay healthy. The bill included H.R. 4669, the Maximizing Drug Coverage for Low-Income Seniors Act, legislation that I helped to introduce last week, and it’s now headed to the House floor. I’m excited that we are taking much-needed action to lower the price of prescription drugs for Americans. 


                              Speaking about H.R. 3. Watch here.

Combating Violence Against Native and Indigenous Women

On Wednesday, I led a roundtable with the Bipartisan Task Force to End Sexual Violence to hear from experts and learn more about the disproportionately high rates of murder and violence against Native and Indigenous women. Native women face a murder rate that is three times higher than that of white women, and they are nearly twice as likely to have experienced violence in the last year. My colleagues on both sides of the aisle agree: we cannot let this violence continue. I look forward to our continued efforts with the task force as we work to support survivors and prevent violence. 


                                                            Our roundtable on violence against Native women. Watch here. 

Bipartisan Effort to Condemn the President’s Dangerous Withdrawal of U.S. Troops

Earlier this week, I joined my colleagues, both Democrats and Republicans, in passing a bipartisan bill to condemn President Trump’s reckless decision to abandon our Kurdish allies in Northern Syria. This is a foreign policy disaster that undermines U.S. credibility abroad and jeopardizes our national security at home. The United States is better than this.

Making Medicaid Available in Prisons

The Washington Post published an op-ed that Senator Cory Booker and I wrote about our legislation, the Humane Correctional Health Care Act, which we introduced this summer. This legislation would end the Medicaid Inmate Exclusion, which is an outdated policy that strips health coverage from Medicaid enrollees who are involved in the criminal justice system, decreasing access to care and shifting that cost burden to states and counties instead. You can read the op-ed here

Remembering a Pillar of the Concord Community

Mary Stuart Gile was a dear friend to my family and me. I’m deeply saddened by her passing. She was committed to fighting for children and families and in her time serving in the State House of Representatives was uncompromising her efforts to improve our state. She will be greatly missed. Last year, Mary wrote in the Concord Monitor reflecting on her time serving in office. I encourage everyone to take a moment to read.

Here for You

I encourage you to continue reaching out to my office with any questions, concerns or ideas you have - I love hearing from you! Thank you for everything you do to make New Hampshire such a wonderful place to call home. I hope you have a great weekend!
