Press Releases

Kuster Votes for Stopgap Funding Package to Prevent Government Shutdown

Washington, D.C. — Today, Congresswoman Annie Kuster (NH-02) issued a statement after the House voted to pass a stopgap funding package to keep the government open while lawmakers negotiate a long-term agreement:

“One of Congress’ most basic responsibilities is to fund the government and keep it serving the American people. But for months, House Republican leadership wasted precious time playing political theater with our economy and national security instead of reaching across the aisle to negotiate a bipartisan compromise with Democrats. 

“With less than a week until funding runs out, I was proud to support a short-term agreement to keep the government working for hardworking New Hampshire families. Let me be clear: Granite Staters are tired of the seemingly endless chaos and dysfunction that has consumed the Republican caucus and budget process.

“In the weeks ahead, Republicans and Democrats will need to come together and negotiate a long-term funding deal that moves our country forward, and I urge Speaker Johnson and Republican leadership to do so in good faith.” 
