Catching Up with Annie

My week in the district

Dear Friend, 

On Monday, I had the opportunity to tour and meet with staff at Mid-State Health Center in Bristol, which offers primary care, behavioral health care, laboratory services, and dental and pharmacy services. I was proud to help Mid-State apply for funds through the Department of Agriculture Office of Rural Development to build their Bristol location, and I will continue working to ensure every Granite Stater has access to community health centers and the care they need.

Meeting with staff at Mid-State Health Center

Investing in Potential of New Hampshire Communities

It was wonderful to speak with Franklin City Manager Judie Milner and city economic development workers on Monday afternoon and to see firsthand the progress the city has made in rejuvenating its downtown. I helped Franklin with its recent successful grant application for technical assistance from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Office of Rural Development because I believe in the potential of Franklin and every Granite State community. I look forward to seeing Franklin’s continued development and I will keep working to ensure every New Hampshire town has access to the funds they need to expand, improve, and create an environment where people can thrive.

With Franklin City Manager Judie Milner & city economic development workers

Expanding Access to Quality, Affordable Housing

On Wednesday, I took part in the groundbreaking of Tracy Community Housing in West Lebanon, which will be 29 units of affordable rental housing and the first net-zero multi-family building, either affordable or market-rate, in New Hampshire. Affordable housing like this is a lifeline that helps care for the elderly and the most vulnerable in our communities and it is a critical link to our economic vitality. I will continue my efforts to expand our affordable housing stock so that every Granite Stater has access to a quality home.

At the groundbreaking of Tracy Community Housing

Taking a Thoughtful Approach to Trade

I also met with company officials at Hypertherm in Lebanon on Wednesday and heard directly from them about the impact of President Trumps’ tariffs on local businesses. Contrary to what President Trump has said, there are no winners when countries engage in a reciprocal tariff battle. International trade is an increasingly important way for businesses in New Hampshire like Hypertherm to reach new consumers, grow their operations, and create jobs. I appreciate the opportunity to hear from Granite Staters who are on the frontlines of this trade war, and I urge the president to exercise a more thoughtful approach to trade and focus on how the United States can work with our allies to achieve our common goals. The long-term success of New Hampshire’s workforce and economy rely on it.

Ensuring Veterans Have Access to Excellent Care and Services

On Thursday, Senator Shaheen, Senator Hassan, Congresswoman Shea-Porter and I wrote to Veterans Affairs Secretary Robert Wilkie urging him to quickly implement the recommendations made in June by a task force to improve the Manchester VA Medical Center. Many of the recommendations reflect priorities we have long supported, such as improving mental health and management services to prevent substance misuse, expanding access to telehealth care, creating a comprehensive ambulatory surgical care center, strengthening ties between the Manchester VA and nearby medical schools and other institutions of higher education, and expanding services for women veterans. After everything they have been through, New Hampshire’s veterans deserve nothing less than excellent care and services, and the key now will be ensuring that these recommendations are quickly and effectively implemented.

If you ever have a question, concern or idea you would like to bring to my attention, please don’t hesitate to reach out to my Washington, DC office at 202-225-5206 or my Concord office at 603-226-1002. 

Thank you for all the contributions you make to our great state. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
