Catching Up with Annie

Getting to Work

Dear friends,

This week, New Hampshire made history as the first ever all-woman, all-Democratic Congressional delegation was sworn into office. We were not elected because we are Democrats or because we are women. We were elected because we know how to bring people together to get things done and that's exactly what we will do. I'm excited to get to work with my friends and colleagues, Senator Shaheen, Senator Hassan, and Congresswoman Shea-Porter, on the issues important to New Hampshire families. Together we will work to improve the lives of Granite Staters and stand in opposition to attempts to turn back the clock on the progress we've made.

Being interviewed by WMUR with the first all-female Democratic Congressional delegation in history!

On Tuesday, I also became the first Democrat elected to a third term representing New Hampshire's Second Congressional District. It's truly an honor to represent the Granite State in Congress, and I'm humbled by the trust voters have placed in me. In the new Congress, I am once again prepared to focus on the needs of hardworking families in the Granite State, and I stand ready to do the work expected by the people of New Hampshire. We need to expand access to health care for our veterans, support families by enacting paid family leave and lowering student debt, protect small family farms, fight substance use disorder, and grow our economy.

Being sworn in to my third term with Speaker of the House Paul Ryan

As always, I want to hear from you. Nothing is more important to informing my work in Washington than the people of my district. I hope you'll never hesitate to call my Washington office at (202) 225-5206 or visit my website at to share your thoughts, ideas, or concerns.

I look to the coming Congress with resolve and determination to fight for what's right and advance policies that benefit New Hampshire families. I know you'll join me in this effort.
