Catching Up with Annie

Working on Behalf of You

Dear Friend, 

I want to fill you in on the work I was doing last week on your behalf in our great district. 

I had the pleasure of hearing from local farmers in Boscawen about the 2018 Farm Bill and ways we can bolster New Hampshire’s agricultural sector. This was the first of three listening sessions I am holding throughout the district and it provided a unique opportunity to hear from folks on the ground in New Hampshire. 

In Boscawen speaking to local farmers about the 2018 Farm Bill 

As the first Representative from New Hampshire to serve on the House Agriculture Committee in decades, I want to ensure that our Granite State farmers are benefitting from the reauthorization of this important bill. These listening sessions allow me to hear about what is working, what is not working, and what we can improve upon as we draft the next Farm Bill. Agriculture and small family farms are a cornerstone of New Hampshire’s economy and this bill provides an opportunity to push for policies that will bolster our agricultural sector, create jobs, grow our economy and protect our environment. The Farm Bill is also a critical tool for supporting our timber industry, land and water conservation efforts, and nutrition programs. In Boscawen, I heard from a diverse group of agriculture leaders and groups, including our Agriculture Commissioner Lorraine Merrill, the NH Farm Bureau, UNH Cooperative Extension, the Society for the Protection of NH Forests, and so many more. 

I also had the chance to join with regional healthcare leaders and local Nashua residents at Lamprey Health Center to discuss my plan to improve the Affordable Care Act and increase Granite Staters’ access to quality health care. While we’ve made tremendous progress since the introduction of the ACA, we must work to improve the individual market and make health care more affordable for everyone. That’s why I’ve put forward commonsense proposals to stabilize the individual market and contain costs. In conversations with my Republican colleagues, I know there is much common ground and I look forward to working across the aisle to improve the ACA for all Granite Staters.

Discussing Ways to Improve the Affordable Care Act at Lamprey Health Center

It is important now, more so than ever before, to work collectively to ensure Americans’ health, safety and economic prosperity. I encourage you to reach out to your elected officials to let them know what is on your mind, and to talk with your friends, family, colleagues and neighbors as well. If we join together, we can make a big difference.

Thank you and I hope you're having a wonderful week!