Catching Up with Annie

At work for you

Dear Friend,

Remembering Our Troops During the Holidays


                                   With Laura Landerman-Garber

For 16 years, Laura Landerman-Garber of Hollis has been collecting holiday letters and cards from children all over the country and sending them to American troops serving abroad. It’s always wonderful to meet with Laura, sign cards, and talk about her commitment to making the holidays brighter for our service men and women. Laura, keep up the great work – you make New Hampshire proud!

Combating Illegal Robocalls

All Americans know what it’s like to receive countless robocalls – often multiple times a day. I was glad to vote in favor of bipartisan legislation – the Telephone Robocall Abuse Criminal Enforcement and Deterrence (TRACED) Act – this week to help put the American consumer back in control and reduce the frequency of these incessant, disruptive calls. I’m pleased the House and Senate came together in a bipartisan way to pass this commonsense and much-needed bill, and I urge the President to swiftly sign it into law.

Standing Up for Critical Nutrition Assistance

The Trump Administration’s announcement that it will end nutrition assistance for approximately 700,000 Americans demonstrates a clear lack of care and concern for people who are struggling to put food on the table. Both Democrats and Republicans in Congress rejected these cuts to the SNAP program last year. The Administration’s rule recklessly casts people from the program without considering what economic, geographic, health, and other factors may contribute to their needing food assistance. I hope that the President will re-think this unnecessary and cruel decision.

Getting PFAS Chemicals Out of Cosmetics

It was great to join my Energy and Commerce Committee colleagues on Wednesday to hear from administration officials, cosmetic industry professionals, and environmental experts to explore how we can empower the Food and Drug Administration to ensure all cosmetic and personal care products are safe.

Despite our progress in New Hampshire to get PFAS chemicals out of our backyards, PFAS is present in many cosmetic and personal care products. From makeup to shampoo, Americans deserve products free from these harmful chemicals. I look forward to the work ahead to protect communities in the Granite State and across the nation from PFAS.

Speaking out against PFAS chemicals in cosmetics. Watch here.

Ensuring New Hampshire Workers are Treated Fairly

While it’s encouraging the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has heeded my request to return to the bargaining table and have a fair and open discussion with American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) union representatives, the EPA should have come to this decision sooner. These union representatives are following in the footsteps of previous generations of union members who fought tirelessly for basic fairness and justice on the job, and they deserve a fair negotiation process.

I’ll be monitoring this situation in the hopes that an acceptable contract will be agreed upon in a timely manner. I will continue to stand up for the hard-working men and women in New Hampshire and I’ll keep working to ensure that workers nationwide are treated fairly and with respect.

Building a Clean Economy

The Granite State is home to some of our nation’s most pristine, breathtaking lands, and we must act to protect them for future generations. I was proud to join my colleagues in introducing the 100% Clean Economy Act – a critical step to combat climate change, improve public health, and strengthen our economy with green jobs. The time to act on climate is now. I look forward to my continued work to protect all that makes New Hampshire such a special place to call home.

A Somber but Necessary Step

This week, Speaker Pelosi announced that the House will begin to draft articles of impeachment. I believe this is a somber but necessary moment for our democracy and to protect our national security. We are taking this one step at a time, and when the House Judiciary Committee advances articles of impeachment, I will evaluate each on its individual merits and content.

The House Intelligence Committee’s report on the impeachment inquiry uncovered substantial and uncontested evidence that President Trump abused the power of the presidency to solicit foreign interference in our election for his own political gain. Every American should have an opportunity to assess the facts and draw conclusions from the evidence. I encourage you to examine the evidence and reach out to my office with your thoughts.

Giving Back to the Community

At the Friendly Kitchen

It was wonderful to join my husband Brad, members of my staff and local volunteers to serve lunch at The Friendly Kitchen in Concord on Monday- thank you Chef Carl and Val for hosting us! Giving back to others is what the holiday season is all about.

Honoring Bill Luti – a Granite State Role Model

Like so many Granite Staters, I am looking back fondly on the life of Bill Luti, who passed away last week at the age of 98. Bill coached cross country and track for decades at Concord High School and inspired countless young people to challenge themselves and live up to their potential. He was also a role model for young women, having started Concord High’s girls’ track and field program in the 1970s, when girls’ participation in sports was not taken as seriously as it is today. My thoughts are with Bill’s family and friends at this time – his kind and generous spirit will be long remembered.

Here for You 

I encourage you to continue reaching out to me with any questions, concerns or ideas you have – I love hearing from Granite Staters! You can contact my Concord office at 603-226-1002 or my Washington, DC office at 202-225-5206. Thank you for your wonderful contributions to our great state – I hope you enjoy your weekend!
