Press Releases

Kuster-Backed Legislation to Encourage Veteran Employment and Support Veteran Healthcare Passes House

Today, Congresswoman Annie Kuster (NH-02), a member of the House Committee on Veteran’s Affairs, welcomed passage of two pieces of legislation to recognize businesses that provide economic opportunities for veterans and improve their access to healthcare services. The HIRE Vets Act of 2016, passed Tuesday by the House of Representatives, would honor employers who excel at recruiting, hiring, and retaining veterans in the private sector by awarding a medallion in recognition of their efforts. The No Hero Left Untreated Act, which also passed the House, would establish a pilot program within the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) that enables veterans to receive promising new neurological treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder, traumatic brain injury, military sexual trauma, chronic pain, and opioid addiction. Kuster cosponsored both pieces of legislation, which now move on to the Senate for consideration.

“Today we demonstrated that supporting our veterans is not a Republican or Democratic issue, it’s an American issue,” said Congresswoman Kuster. “Our veterans have risked their lives to serve us and it’s our responsibility to serve them when they return home. Recognizing employers who recruit, hire, and retain qualified veterans will help to encourage other businesses to follow their lead. Furthermore, we need to ensure that veterans receive the best treatment for the wounds of war both seen and unseen. The HIRE Vets Act will help more veterans access good jobs, and the No Hero Left Untreated Act is important for developing innovative treatment options for PTSD and other brain injuries. I urge my colleagues in the Senate to act quickly to get these commonsense pieces of legislation signed into law.”

The daughter of a World War II veteran, Kuster has served on the U.S. House Veterans’ Affairs Committee since taking office in 2013. As Ranking Member of the Veterans’ Affairs Oversight & Investigations Subcommittee, she has pushed for increased transparency at the VA and has long fought to ensure New Hampshire veterans receive the benefits and access to services they deserve. Kuster has also held a series of roundtables throughout the state with veteran service organizations and local veterans to hear directly from them about how Congress can best serve their needs.
