Press Releases

Kuster Questions U.S. Department of Energy Secretary Granholm During Energy & Commerce Hearing

**The full Subcommittee hearing is available HERE**
**Kuster’s full line of questioning is available HERE**


Washington, D.C.  — Today, Rep. Annie Kuster (NH-02), questioned U.S. Department of Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm during a House Energy and Commerce Energy Subcommittee hearing entitled, “The Fiscal Year 2022 DOE Budget." During the hearing, Kuster asked Secretary Granholm about the budgetary needs of the Department of Energy for the Fiscal Year 2022, focusing on renewable energy projects and innovative hydropower solutions.


“It’s time we advance pioneering solutions to decarbonize our electric grid and ensure our clean energy economy can meet the demands of our nation for generations to come,” said Rep. Kuster. “In Congress, this work is already underway, and in the coming weeks, I will introduce legislation to provide over $60 billion for the 3Rs — to Rehabilitate existing U.S. dams for safety, Retrofit them for power, and Remove them for conservation.”

“The Biden-Harris administration’s American Jobs Plan outlines an ambitious and much-needed approach to upgrading our nation’s infrastructure, including robust investments in solar, wind, electricity storage, and energy efficiency — putting us on a path to decarbonizing the electric grid,” Rep. Kuster continued. “I appreciate Energy Secretary Granholm appearing before the Subcommittee and answering my questions today, and I look forward to working with her and my colleagues to advance an ambitious, much-needed new approach to upgrading American infrastructure for the 21st Century by investing in solar, wind, and hydro energy.”


A member of the House Energy and Commerce Energy Subcommittee and the House Agriculture Conservation and Forestry Subcommittee, Kuster is a leader in Congress to combat climate change, preserve the environment, and create a clean energy economy. Last week, Kuster reintroduced the bipartisan Biomass Thermal Utilization (BTU) Act that would incentivize the use of energy-efficient biomass heaters in businesses instead of relying on fossil fuel energy. Also last week, Kuster reintroduced the Community Energy Savings Program Act of 2021 (CESP), legislation that would promote the expansion of clean energy projects in New Hampshire and across the country by providing low-interest financing to consumers and communities that want to make clean energy investments. 

