Press Releases

Kuster Urges Support for Clean Energy Expansion During Energy & Commerce Hearing

**The full Subcommittee hearing is available HERE**
**Kuster’s full remarks are available


Washington, D.C. — Today, Rep. Annie Kuster (NH-02), a Member of the Energy and Commerce Energy Subcommittee, participated in a hearing entitled, “The CLEAN Future Act and Electric Transmission: Delivering Clean Power to the People." During the hearing, Members heard from energy experts, including senior leadership from the Department of Energy, about steps Congress can take to bolster and strengthen our nation’s clean energy infrastructure and build out the renewable energy grid.


“Climate change poses an existential threat to everyone across the world, and in the same way that families in New Hampshire and across the country benefit from a reliable electric grid, everyone benefits from a clean energy grid,” said Rep. Kuster. “Still, the evolution to clean energy presents significant challenges for our nation as we work to transfer clean energy to homes across the country. Some of our most promising sources of renewable energy — like wind and solar — are located far from major urban areas where electricity is most needed.”


“The CLEAN Future Act in front of the Subcommittee today would address the challenges associated with delivering clean energy to consumers and put us on a path towards a more reliable and efficient energy grid,” Rep. Kuster continued. “I look forward to working with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle in this Subcommittee to re-evaluate the grid to ensure we take full advantage of renewable resources.”


A member of the House Energy and Commerce Energy Subcommittee and House Agriculture Conservation and Forestry Subcommittee, Kuster is a leader in Congress to combat climate change, preserve the environment, and create a clean energy economy. Earlier this year, Kuster led 39 colleagues in sending a letter to the Biden administration urging the inclusion of funding to retrofit, rehabilitate, and remove dams in the next infrastructure package to improve public safety, increase free-flowing rivers, expand low-carbon generation, and create jobs.

