Press Releases

Kuster Announces Federal Support For NH Solar Arrays, Welcomes Rural Development Under Secretary Xochitl Torres Small to the Granite State


**Rep. Kuster and Under Secretary Torres Small discussed the importance of renewable energy in building a resilient energy grid. A full-resolution version of this photo is available HERE**

**Rep. Kuster played a critical role in securing these low-interest loans through her role on the House Agriculture Committee**


Franklin, N.H. — Today, Rep. Annie Kuster (NH-02), a Senior Member of the House Agriculture Committee, was joined by Rep. Chris Pappas (NH-01) and Franklin City officials to welcome U.S. Department of Agriculture Under Secretary for Rural Development Xochitl Torres Small to New Hampshire to announce the award of Rural Utilities Service (RUS) low-interest loans worth $14 million. This federal funding secured by Rep. Kuster will benefit seven solar arrays in New Hampshire and is part of a broader USDA clean energy initiative that will create jobs and spur rural economic growth.


Rep. Kuster is a champion of Rural Utilities Services (RUS) in Congress and played a critical role in securing these low-interest loans. In April of this year, Rep. Kuster joined her colleagues in sending a letter to Committee leadership urging robust funding for the Rural Utilities Services (RUS) Electric Loans in the 2022 House Agriculture Appropriations bill.


“It is essential we direct federal investments towards renewable energy in rural communities to transition America and the Granite State to a clean energy economy, lessen our dependence on foreign fossil fuels, and achieve a resilient, reliable electric grid,” said Rep. Kuster, a Senior Member of the House Agriculture Committee. “I’m excited that more than $14 million in RUS loans is coming to New Hampshire to support job-creating clean energy projects around the state. Building the clean energy economy of the future is an incredible opportunity for rural communities and is a win-win for local jobs and protecting our state from the impact of climate change. The time for action is now — I was proud to help secure this funding, and will continue working to protect our planet for generations to come.”


“We must address the existential threat climate change poses to New Hampshire, and homegrown renewable energy projects like these solar developments are a critical piece of the puzzle,” said Congressman Chris Pappas. “These funds represent a significant federal investment in our energy infrastructure that will advance the development of solar energy in our state. It’s great to see our communities are moving these projects forward to develop clean, renewable energy, and I’ll keep working to ensure they get the support they need.”

“Thanks to the work of Congresswoman Kuster, and under the leadership of President Biden, Vice President Harris and Agriculture Secretary Vilsack, USDA Rural Development is investing $15 million in 20 businesses in New Hampshire and Vermont through our Rural Energy for America Program and our Electric Loan Program. This investment includes a $14 million loan to GoLight Solar who will help New Hampshire become more energy independent and cut household energy costs for many New Hampshire residents,” said USDA Under Secretary Xochitl Torres Small. “We are making these investments today because lowering energy costs for people, for small businesses and for agricultural producers helps create business opportunities and good jobs for people in rural towns. The investments we are announcing today also demonstrate how the Biden-Harris Administration is looking to rural America to drive climate smart practices the way rural America knows best. USDA is committed to being a strong partner to rural people everywhere because when rural America succeeds, all of America succeeds.”


GoLight LLC is receiving low-interest loans from the Rural Utilities Service (RUS) to partially finance the continued development of seven solar facilities across New Hampshire:

  • Franklin Duffy Street Solar, a 750-kilowatt solar PV project in Franklin, NH
  • Franklin Foundry Solar, a 1-megawatt solar PV project in Franklin, NH
  • Pittsfield East Solar, a 1-megawatt solar PV project in Pittsfield, NH
  • Pittsfield Parker Solar, a 1-megawatt solar PV project in Pittsfield, NH
  • Conway Green Hill Solar, a 1-megawatt solar PV project in East Conway, NH
  • Gentle Slopes Solar South, a 1-megawatt solar PV project in Goffstown, NH
  • Gentle Slopes Solar North, a 1-megawatt solar PV project in Goffstown, NH


Kuster is a fierce advocate for protecting our environment and advancing clean energy policies. Over the weekend, Rep. Kuster joined the launch of a new environmental advocacy group, New Hampshire Health Care Workers for Climate Action. Last year, she released her Clean Energy Agenda, a blueprint for Congress to take real action on climate change using common sense solutions that will have both immediate and lasting results.
