Press Releases

Following White House Meeting, Kuster Applauds Administration Move To Address Gas Prices

**Yesterday, Rep. Kuster, a co-chair of the New Democrat Coalition, met with President Joe Biden to discuss priorities for American families and their vision for the future**


**Today, following his meeting with Rep. Kuster, President Joe Biden announced that his administration is releasing up to 180 million barrels from the strategic petroleum reserve**


Washington, D.C. — Today, Congresswoman Annie Kuster (NH-02) released the following statement after President Joe Biden announced sweeping moves to address the cost of gas and energy amid Vladimir Putin’s brutal invasion of Ukraine. Yesterday, Rep. Kuster met with the president alongside her colleagues in New Dem leadership to discuss her priorities that will benefit families throughout New Hampshire. During the meeting, Kuster personally urged the president to take immediate action to ease the burden of rising gas prices on American consumers.


“During my meeting yesterday with President Biden, I reiterated my concerns about the impact of rising oil and gas prices on Granite Staters,” said Rep. Kuster. “The president’s decision to release one million barrels of oil from our strategic petroleum reserve each day for the next six months is a crucial step to curb rising gas prices and provide Americans much-needed relief. Today’s announcement is a meaningful step to address rising prices, but more can be done to increase energy supplies, reduce our reliance on big oil and foreign countries, and build the clean energy economy of the future.”


“It’s disappointing but not surprising that top oil company executives are raking in record profits amid Putin’s illegal invasion of Ukraine without investing in expanded domestic production here in the U.S.,” Rep. Kuster continued. “Hard-working New Hampshire families shouldn’t be paying unnecessarily high prices at the pump while oil company CEOs line their pockets. Oil and gas companies have not done enough to address rising costs – next week in the Energy and Commerce Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee, I will be pressing six oil company executives for answers.”


A senior member of the Energy and Commerce Committee, Rep. Kuster is leading the conversation in Congress to address gas and energy prices and secure America’s energy independence. Last year, Kuster led a group of 12 New England lawmakers to urge President Biden to take decisive action to ease home heating costs for New England families.


Next Wednesday, April 6, Congresswoman Kuster will participate in an Energy and Commerce Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee hearing entitled, “Gouged at the Gas Station: Big Oil and America’s Pain at the Pump.” Executives from BP America, Chevron, ExxonMobil, Shell, and others will testify and answer questions about their business practices and rising gas prices.

