Press Releases

Kuster Tours Keene Heritage Trail with Local Leaders, Highlights Importance of Rural Infrastructure

**Rep. Kuster secured funding for 10 Community Projects in New Hampshire’s Second District in the 2022 government spending package, the maximum possible**


Keene, N.H. — Today, Congresswoman Annie Kuster (NH-02) joined Keene City officials to tour the Keene Heritage Trail and discuss the $394,800 in Community Project Funding Kuster secured to construct and upgrade 4,100 feet of the trail and improve the quality, safety, and functionality of the City’s transportation facilities for pedestrians, bicyclists, and other non-motorized users.


“New Hampshire is home to the most beautiful land in the country, and outdoor paths like the Keene Heritage Trail not only connect our rural communities but also help Granite Staters experience everything our state has to offer,” said Rep. Kuster. “I was thrilled to secure federal resources that will contribute to this project which will increase transportation options and help to connect communities in Cheshire County. I will continue working to support our rural infrastructure and invest in our communities throughout New Hampshire.”


“I was thrilled to have Congresswoman Kuster join us to tour the Keene Heritage Trail revitalization today, a project she secured the resources to complete,” said Keene City Manager, Elizabeth Dragon. “Thanks to her advocacy and the support of our community, we’ll be able to construct and upgrade more than 4,000 feet of this historic Heritage Trail. Revitalizing the Keene Heritage Trail will not only support the town of Keene but will help connect Cheshire County as a whole.“


Under the Community Project Funding Request process for the 117th Congress, which was included in the bipartisan omnibus package, Rep. Annie Kuster secured resources for 10 Community Projects in the Second District.

