Press Releases

Kuster Votes To Hold Oil Companies Accountable for Record Gas Prices, Stop Price Gouging at the Pump

**Kuster has been a leading voice in Congress to address rising gas prices and hold Big Oil companies accountable**


Washington, D.C. — Today, Rep. Annie Kuster (NH-02) voted for legislation to stop price gouging by Big Oil companies and ensure hardworking families are not being taken advantage of at the pump. H.R. 7688, the Consumer Fuel Price Gouging Prevention Act, would grant the president the power to issue an emergency energy proclamation outlawing the sale of consumer fuels — fuel for cars, airplanes, home heating oil, and liquid propane — at artificially high prices during the emergency period.


“It is unconscionable that Big Oil companies are using Russia’s brutal invasion of Ukraine as an excuse to rake in record profits and take advantage of American families at the gas pump,” said Rep. Kuster. “Today, the House took action to stop this practice and deliver much-needed relief for consumers in the Granite State and across the country. While I continue working to address rising fuel prices, I am also working to promote long-term American energy independence through investments in clean and renewable energy to insulate our economy and consumers from these short-term crises.”


Congresswoman Kuster has been a strong advocate for Granite State consumers to address rising prices at the grocery store and at the pump. Last month in the Energy and Commerce Committee, she confronted Big Oil company executives on their business practices and the fossil fuel industry’s role in rising gas prices.

