Press Releases

Kuster Talks Clean Energy with SAU 20 in Gorham

Gorham, N.H. — Today, Congresswoman Annie Kuster (NH-02), a member of the Energy and Commerce Committee, met with SAU 20 Superintendent David Backler and local leaders at Edward Fenn Elementary to hear about the district’s plans to reduce energy costs and use the savings to support Gorham’s energy efficiency and renewable energy goals. During the meeting, Kuster also heard about the Gorham, Randolph, and Shelburne’s Energy Committees and their efforts to expand energy efficiency in their communities.


“The work that SAU 20 and the Town of Gorham are doing to increase their use of renewable energy represents an incredible investment in the future of their town and community,” said Rep. Kuster. “Their local effort will help to save money and generate more clean energy, a win-win for our environment and economy. As a member of the Energy and Commerce Committee and the Agriculture Committee, I have been proud to champion federal funding for programs to support and incentivize our country’s transition to renewable energy. I will continue working to provide the resources our communities need to grow and thrive.”


Kuster is a leader in Congress in investing in renewable energy and building the clean energy economy of the future. She was a critical voice in passing the Inflation Reduction Act that was signed into law earlier this month. This legislation will invest $369 billion in clean energy. New Hampshire is expected to see $2.4 billion in investments from this bill over the next decade.

