Press Releases

Kuster Leads Charge To Protect Reproductive Freedom

Concord, N.H. – Today, Congresswoman Annie Kuster (NH-02) joined local advocates for women’s health and elected leaders to emphasize the importance of reproductive freedom. During the event, Kuster spoke out against recent court rulings that threaten access to medication abortion, a treatment that more than 5 million people have safely used over the past 20 years. 

“Here in New Hampshire, we believe in less government interference in our personal, private lives – including abortion access and reproductive freedom,” said Kuster. “Yet, across the country, we continue to see the right-wing attack against bodily autonomy, threatening the health and well-being of millions of women and their families. Scientists and medical experts should be the ones making decisions about what medications are safe for patients — not political appointees or politicians. I will continue fighting to ensure that is the case.”

Councilor Cinde Warmington said, "I am so proud to stand with these legislative leaders and with all of the women of New Hampshire to protect the right to make our own reproductive health care decisions. We need real leadership from the corner office on this issue. Freedom for women starts with being able to plan, prevent, and space pregnancies. Our fundamental freedoms are in jeopardy and the governor must take comprehensive and proactive steps to protect the rights of Granite Staters, like joining the Washington state lawsuit and removing criminal penalties from his abortion ban."

"We have not taken one step in the New Hampshire legislature since the fall of Roe v. Wade to reassure women of New Hampshire that we will stand for them and not allow their rights to be rolled back," said State Senate Democratic Leader, Senator Donna Soucy. "Regardless of the obstacles and challenges placed before us, we will not give up that fight – it's too important for the people of the State of New Hampshire."

State House Deputy Democratic Leader, Representative Alexis Simpson said, "We have an obligation to our constituents to grant the right to abortion care. The overwhelming majority believe that the decisions about reproductive and abortion care belong to pregnant people and the people who provide them care. Granite Staters are looking to their elected officials to take action now."

"Equality Health Center is the longest standing clinic in New Hampshire providing abortion services," said Sarah Anderson, Practice Manager at Equality Health Center in Concord. "For more than 20 years now, we have been offering medication abortion. We know first hand that these methods are exceedingly safe and that the potential barriers to accessing medication for abortion is harmful for those seeking abortion care."

Kuster is a leading voice in keeping the government out of personal, private medical decisions. Earlier this month, she helped introduce legislation to reiterate that FDA scientists, not activist judges, have the power to decide what medications are safe and effective.
