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Kuster backs water protections

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On Tuesday, the House of Representatives passed the Natural Resources Management Act, which would designate portions of the Nashua, Squannacook and Nissitissit Rivers in New Hampshire and Massachusetts as scenic rivers under the National Wild and Scenic Rivers System.

“In the Granite State, our identity is closely tied to the natural beauty of our landscape, and I’m proud to fight to protect the resources that make New Hampshire such a wonderful place to live and visit,” U.S. Rep. Annie Kuster, D-N.H., said.

The bill includes legislation to redesignate the Saint-Gaudens National Historic Site as a “National Historical Park.” Additionally, the legislation includes the Nashua River Wild and Scenic River Act. Now, the legislation will make its way to President Donald Trump’s desk for his signature.

In terms of the Land and Water Conservation Fund Reauthorization, Kuster highlighted how tourism is one of the largest drivers for the state’s economy, and that this fund has provided nearly $40 million in funding to New Hampshire to preserve thousands of acres of public land since its inception.

On Tuesday, Kuster also expressed her concern regarding the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s response to per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS)contamination, and highlighted contamination seen out in Litchfield at an Energy & Commerce hearing. She conveyed her disappointment with the action plan and weakening enforcement of drinking water in private groundwater wells in Litchfield with perfluorooctanoic acid around the Saint-Gobain Performance Plastics plant next door to Nashua in Merrimack.