Press Releases

Kuster Calls for Robust Investments in Cybersecurity to Safeguard Americans’ Data, Protect Rural Communities

**Kuster’s full remarks are available here**


Washington, D.C. — Today, Congresswoman Annie Kuster (NH-02), a member of the prominent Energy and Commerce Committee, participated in a Communications and Technology Subcommittee hearing titled, “Safeguarding Americans’ Communications: Strengthening Cybersecurity in a Digital Era.” During her remarks, Kuster emphasized the need for Congress to protect Americans’ data from malicious actors and to invest in cybersecurity infrastructure and technology to shield rural communities from cyber threats.


“It’s no secret that cyberattacks are on the rise across the nation, and these threats are only becoming more dangerous and sophisticated in today’s digital age,” said Kuster. “As more aspects of our personal and professional lives move online, it’s critical that Congress invest in our nation’s cybersecurity to protect our communities, schools, health care systems, and more from cyberattacks.”


There are more than 2,200 cyberattacks on communications infrastructure in the United States every day. In January and February of 2023 alone, the data of 74 million Americans was leaked on the dark web, and in 2021, the communications industry saw a 51% increase in the number of cyber attacks, making it the third most targeted sector. The increasing complexity of communications infrastructure gives criminals and malicious actors a broad target to attack. 


As a co-chair of the Bipartisan Rural Broadband Caucus, Kuster is a fierce advocate for empowering rural communities with the resources they need to invest in their cybersecurity infrastructure. Kuster is a cosponsor of the bipartisan Enhancing K-12 Cybersecurity Act, legislation to establish a program to address cybersecurity threats to school systems and provide resources to ensure schools can best protect against these attacks.

