Catching Up with Annie

Advocating for Clean Water in New Hampshire

Dear Friend, 

After a productive week in Washington I am looking forward to heading back to the Granite State! Take a look at what I have been up to this week.

Combating PFAS Contamination

I spoke on the House floor this week to urge Congress to address PFAS proliferation in the National Defense Authorization Act of 2020 (NDAA). On Thursday, the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Environment & Climate Change passed my legislation, the Protecting Communities from New PFAS Act. This legislation would prevent new PFAS chemicals from being approved through the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) pre-manufacture notice system. The proliferation of toxic PFAS chemicals throughout our environment is a risk to human health. As Congress continues to act on this issue, we must listen to families and citizens who have to live with this contamination. Americans have waited long enough - it is critical that the final National Defense Authorization Act includes PFAS provisions from House and Senate-passed bills.


  Speaking on the House Floor about PFAS. Watch here

Supporting our Veterans and Suicide Prevention

On Thursday, I had an opportunity to join my colleagues including Rep. Steven Horsford (NV-04) and Rep. Deb Haaland (NM-01) for a panel and policy discussion on veteran suicide prevention to explore solutions for improved access to mental health services for veterans. The high rate of suicide among our nation’s veterans is a stain on our collective conscience – it is our responsibility to ensure these men and women have access to the mental health services they need upon returning to civilian life. I was glad to join my colleagues and hear from experts today to discuss solutions.

Addressing Prescription Drug Costs & the Youth E-Cigarette Epidemic

  Speaking at the Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee. Watch here.  

On Wednesday, I joined the Energy and Commerce Oversight and Investigations Subcommittee and the Health Subcommittee to explore legislative solutions to lower prescription drug costs and address the youth e-cigarette epidemic. 

Today, e-cigarettes are the most commonly used tobacco product among our youth. New Hampshire is still in the throes of an opioid epidemic that began with misleading marketing and lack of regulatory oversight. My fear is that we are repeating those same mistakes and making way for a new generation grappling with addiction. I am proud to cosponsor the Reversing the Youth Tobacco Epidemic Act of 2019 to address this public health emergency.

For too long, prescription drug companies have charged Granite Staters and Americans sky high prices for the prescriptions they rely on. No one should have to make the impossible choice between their medication and basic necessities, which is why I am proud to support H.R. 3, the Lower Drug Costs Now Act, to ease the burden that patients should have never carried in the first place. Seniors and families pay too much, and I have long called for Medicare to negotiate the price of prescription drugs. I am excited to see that proposal reflected in this bill and look forward to advancing this important legislation to lower out of pocket costs for Granite Staters.

Seeing the Opioid Crisis Through to the End

On Tuesday, I introduced the Turn the Tide Act in the House of Representatives - this is the House version of the bill that Senator Jeanne Shaheen introduced in the Senate. The opioid and substance use epidemic has had a devastating impact on families and communities throughout New Hampshire. We’ve made progress in directing more resources to support treatment and recovery services, bolster prevention efforts, and strengthen law enforcement, but more work remains. We can’t take our eye off the ball and this legislation represents a commitment to seeing this crisis through to the end. I’ve heard from law enforcement and treatment providers about the evolving nature of this crisis and the rise of synthetic opioids and methamphetamines. The Turn the Tide Act will ensure flexibility as we combat all substance use disorder.

An Unprecedented Threat

Climate Change is an unprecedented threat to our health, economy, and way of life. I’m inspired by the incredible energy and enthusiasm of people across our country - especially young people - who are standing up to demand progress on climate change. I’ll continue my work in Congress to protect our planet and future generations. You can read more in my op-ed in the Concord Monitor. 

Believing Survivors of Sexual Assault

On Wednesday, I joined fellow members of Congress and sexual violence prevention advocates to discuss the need to believe survivors and hold perpetrators accountable to prevent future assaults. When a survivor takes the brave step of coming forward to report their assault, we have an obligation to believe them, and law enforcement has an obligation to fully investigate. Failing to hold perpetrators accountable for their actions allows them to continue committing assaults and puts the safety of the general public at risk. I’m grateful for the work my colleagues and these are doing on this important issue and I will continue my efforts to support survivors and end the unacceptable reality of sexual violence.

Protecting Our Democracy and Securing Our Elections

I am deeply troubled that the Trump Administration prevented the Director of National Intelligence from following the law and turning over a serious and credible whistleblower complaint to Congress. I am glad that Congress and the American people have finally had an opportunity to review the summary of Trump’s call with the President of Ukraine, as well as the whistleblower complaint. The President’s conduct during the call and the allegations within the whistleblower complaint are deeply disturbing, and if true, represent a serious threat to our democracy. Both Democrats and Republicans should come together to fully investigate this whistleblower complaint and protect our national security and our Constitution.

Here for You

Please continue to reach out to my office with any questions, concerns or ideas you have - I love hearing from you! Thank you, as always, for all the wonderful contributions you make to our great state. I hope you enjoy your weekend!
