Press Releases

Kuster Highlights Federal Investments During Tour of New Boston’s Fire Department and Space Force Station

New Boston, N.H. — Yesterday, Congresswoman Annie Kuster (NH-02) toured the New Boston Fire Department and Space Force Station to discuss the impact of a $9,285,576 Defense Community Infrastructure Pilot Program (DCIP) grant. The grant, secured by Kuster, invests in the modernization of the New Boston Fire Department and improves its ability to support fire, emergency, and HAZMAT services at the New Boston Space Force Station and community. 

“New Boston’s Fire Department and first responders go above and beyond every day to support their community, as well as the Space Force’s critical operations — it’s essential they have the infrastructure and equipment necessary to do their jobs safely and effectively,” said Kuster. “I was proud to support New Boston’s DCIP grant application to help modernize the community’s aging fire station, bolstering the Fire Department’s working conditions and emergency response capacity to better support Space Force Station’s operations.”

“This federal funding will have a transformative impact on our fire department, the safety of New Boston and surrounding communities, and the readiness of the New Boston Space Force Station,” said Assistant Fire Chief Brian Dubreuil. “We are very grateful for Congresswoman Kuster’s advocacy for key federal funding programs like DCIP, and for her support for our grant application.”

Kuster secured nearly $9.3 million in funding for the revitalization of New Boston’s Fire Department through the FY 2023 Defense Community Infrastructure Pilot Program. The DCIP is designed to fund improvements to local civilian infrastructure that support military readiness. 

The New Boston Fire Department provides essential fire, rescue, wildland, HAZMAT, and emergency medical services to the New Boston Space Force Station. With over 100 civilian employees, five full-time military personnel, $11 billion in U.S. military assets spread over the 3,000-acre facility, and no dedicated on-site emergency responders, the New Boston Fire Department serves as a critical partner to the station’s operational success and the 24/7 situational awareness of the U.S. Military. 
