In the News

Union Leader: Brookbend affordable housing opens in Keene

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Rep. Annie Kuster promised to be an advocate for affordable housing in Washington, D.C., while speaking at the grand opening of the Brookbend East & West housing complex on Meadow Road Friday afternoon. After the ceremony, the District 2 Democrat said while it is important to eliminate federal tax loopholes, tax credits that make low-income housing developments like Brookbend possible are vital in order to have thriving communities where all segments of the community have housing.

Keene Sentinel: Grand opening today for renovated Keene affordable housing complex

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Construction is nearly complete on a three-year, multimillion-dollar project to demolish and then rebuild an aging affordable housing development in the city. Keene Housing is hosting a grand opening of the 75-unit Brookbend East and Brookbend West on Meadow Road today, with community members, residents and local and state officials, including U.S. Rep. Ann M. Kuster, D-N.H.

Concord Monitor: Concord clears major hurdle for Sewalls Falls Bridge replacement

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While the city waited, U.S. Sen. Jeanne Shaheen and U.S. Rep. Annie Kuster sought to expedite the process. Shaheen and Kuster wrote a letter to U.S. Secretary of Transportation Anthony Foxx in July, requesting quick action by the federal government. And they visited the bridge together last month for a tour with city officials. In statements yesterday, Shaheen and Kuster said they were glad to see progress.

Kuster Op Ed: Mr. Speaker: Let Us Vote to End the Shutdown

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Last week, one bloc of one party in one House of Congress forced a shutdown of the entire federal government. In New Hampshire and across the country, we're already seeing the consequences. Brave members of our National Guard have been furloughed. Life-saving scientific research has been stalled. Loans to small businesses have been frozen. Food assistance to children and expectant mothers has been threatened. The list goes on and on. But instead of working in a common sense, bipartisan way to end the shutdown, some in Washington are playing cynical political games to avoid being blamed for it.

Kuster Op Ed: Views from the North Country

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There are few places in New Hampshire – or anywhere else, for that matter – as majestic as the North Country. For three days at the end of the summer, I once again got to experience the region’s breathtaking mix of diverse wildlife, picturesque landscapes, and strong communities. But, I was also reminded that, like elsewhere in the state, it’s the people -- strong, resilient, and always working together – that give the region its special character.

Kuster Op Ed: Taking the most from those with the least

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I recently received a heartbreaking letter from a constituent. She is 28 years old. She has a disability and is an orphan, with no family to fall back on. She is the mother of a toddler and also working toward two undergraduate degrees while trying to find a job. She stretches modest federal food assistance to help feed herself and her child, and she still has to visit her local food bank to get by.

Nashua Telegraph: Panel proclaims New Hampshire can lead the way on climate change, from the local level on up

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U.S. Rep. Annie Kuster (D-NH) made a brief appearance and vowed she would work with anyone interested in ending climate change or limiting its effects, regardless of their side of the aisle. “I believe we have a response to protect these natural resources for future generations,” she said. “New Hampshire is poised to lead the charge against climate change.”