Catching Up with Annie

Meeting Vets and Pets in NH

| Posted in Catching Up with Annie

With Congress out of session, I got the opportunity to spend all of last week in the Granite State, where I met with constituents and visited a number of impressive projects and community organizations.  I was honored to speak at the NH Veterans Home on Memorial Day, and I was proud to highlight the importance of transportation funding during a tour of the Broad Street Parkway in…

A true NH hero

| Posted in Catching Up with Annie

I hope you are all having a productive week in preparation for the long weekend! Over the last two weeks, I have been in Washington and New Hampshire working on behalf of Granite State families. I was so excited to welcome Nashua native Mark Laing to Washington and show him around the Capitol during Foster Youth Shadow Day. I also joined members of New Hampshire’s law…

Around the district in 8 days

| Posted in Catching Up with Annie

I hope you are all having a terrific week and enjoying the spring weather. Last week, I travelled around the district to meet with constituents and discuss some of the biggest issues facing Granite Staters. I co-hosted a mental health summit with Congressman Guinta in Concord, met with community leaders in Claremont to discuss the economic importance of passenger rail, and held…

Breaking through the gridlock

| Posted in Catching Up with Annie

I hope you are all having a productive week. Recently, I have been working to bring people together so we can solve some of the challenges we face as a nation. This week, I introduced amendments to benefit veteran small business owners, welcomed the SBA Administrator to NH, helped honor Vietnam veterans, sponsored a bill to protect our environment, and questioned VA officials…

Meeting with Veterans, Students, and Farmers around the Granite State

| Posted in Catching Up with Annie

I hope you are all having an excellent week! Last week, I continued my series of constituent events around the Granite State. I appreciated the chance to meet with veterans in Concord, students in New London, women business leaders in Nashua, and with members of the agriculture community in North Haverhill.  Working to Improve Mental Health Services for NH Veterans Mental…

Returning Long Lost Service Medals to a NH Hero

| Posted in Catching Up with Annie

I hope you are all having a terrific week! I’m writing to give you a quick update on my visits and events around the Second District.  Last week, I had the honor of helping present a veteran from Nashua with service medals he earned while serving in the Korean War.  I also hosted my sixth Jobs Fair in Plymouth, met with business leaders in Lebanon, and discussed renewable…

Bringing Together Employers and Job Seekers

| Posted in Catching Up with Annie

I hope you are all having a fantastic week. Let’s hope this warmer weather is here to stay!  I’m writing to give you all a quick update on everything I’ve been doing on behalf of the people of New Hampshire’s Second District. Last week, I helped introduce legislation to get rising student loan debt under control, joined in leading a Veterans’…

Advocating for Granite State Veterans

| Posted in Catching Up with Annie

I hope you all had a terrific weekend! I wanted to provide you all with an update on the work I have been doing so far in 2015 for veterans around New Hampshire, because I am committed to ensuring they get the benefits and services they have earned. These brave men and women served to protect our country, and it is our duty to support them during and after the transition back to…

Hearing Directly from Constituents around NH

| Posted in Catching Up with Annie

I hope you are all staying safe and cozy during the never-ending winter weather! Over the last few days, I have continued to hear directly from constituents from all over the 2nd District. From Social Security and Medicare, to student loan debt and college affordability, to home heating assistance, I have discussed many of the challenges facing Granite Staters across the…

The Fight to End Human Trafficking

| Posted in Catching Up with Annie

I hope you stayed safe and warm during this week’s winter storm! Over the last few days, I have been proud to meet with and advocate for Granite Staters in both Washington and New Hampshire. From fighting to end human trafficking, to attending hearings of the Veterans’ Affairs Committee, to meeting with students at NHTI, I have worked to address a range of…