Catching Up with Annie

Adventures in the North Country

| Posted in Catching Up with Annie

I hope you are all having a terrific week. Last week, I had the opportunity to tour businesses and meet with folks all over New Hampshire’s beautiful North Country. On Monday, I visited Codet, Inc. in Colebrook and then headed north to stop by Wounded Warriors @ 45 North in Pittsburg. On Tuesday, I toured the Notre Dame Senior Housing facility in Berlin, held a…

Advocating for Rural Jobs

| Posted in Catching Up with Annie

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. Last week, I held a Rural Jobs Roundtable in Plainfield to hear directly from farmers and forestry leaders about how we can help rural New Hampshire communities create jobs. I also held a Campus Sexual Assault Roundtable in Concord with administrators, students, community leaders, and advocates to discuss the work being done to end sexual…

A Victory for NH Veterans

| Posted in Catching Up with Annie

I hope you are all enjoying the summer. This week, I helped pass a comprehensive VA reform bill to improve health care for our veterans. I also spoke in support of New Hampshire small farmers at an Agriculture subcommittee hearing on inappropriate actions by the Department of Labor.  Making Progress for Veterans I was extremely pleased that the House passed a…

Honoring a Courageous Granite Stater

| Posted in Catching Up with Annie

Hi Everyone! I hope you all had a terrific weekend. This week, I attended two ceremonies for Staff Sergeant Ryan Pitts, who received the Medal of Honor for heroism from President Obama. I also helped introduce a bill to cut wasteful programs in the federal government and increase efficiency. And I cosponsored a package of bills to help bring human trafficking to an end…

Serving Those Who Served Us

| Posted in Catching Up with Annie

Hi Everyone! I hope you all had an enjoyable weekend. Last week, I helped introduce a bill to help prevent veteran suicides, and questioned officials at the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) about delays in the processing of claims. In addition, I spoke at a national summit on sexual assault on campus at Dartmouth College. And I also helped introduce an important…

Working to Protect New Hampshire Jobs

| Posted in Catching Up with Annie

Hi Everyone! I hope you all had a fantastic holiday weekend. This week, I held a roundtable to discuss the importance of reauthorizing the Export-Import Bank, which supports many New Hampshire businesses and jobs for Granite Staters. In addition, I spoke at a kick-off event for the New Hampshire Community Behavioral Health Association’s new mental health first aid training…

A NH Small Business at the White House

| Posted in Catching Up with Annie

Hi Everyone! Last week, I had the opportunity to invite Badger Balm to the White House for a roundtable on workplace policies at small businesses. I was thrilled to bring such an innovative NH company to the national stage to discuss the importance of employee-friendly workplace practices. I also continued working on behalf of Granite State veterans and demanding answers from the…

Fighting for our Veterans

| Posted in Catching Up with Annie

Hi Everyone! I hope you all had a great weekend. Last week, I continued pushing for answers from the Department of Veterans Affairs and working to improve access to health care for Granite State veterans.  I questioned VA officials at two Veterans’ Affairs Committee hearings on increasing efficiency at the VA and ending its broken bonus system. I also…

Working to Improve Access to Health Care

| Posted in Catching Up with Annie

Hi All! I hope you all had a fantastic weekend. Last week, I worked on several issues that I know have a major impact on the lives of Granite Staters. For example, I introduced a bill to improve access to affordable health care for families, and I questioned Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) officials at a Veterans’ Affairs Committee hearing on the importance of improving health…

Bringing Together Employers and Job Seekers

| Posted in Catching Up with Annie

Hi All! I hope you all had a fantastic weekend.  Last week, I toured the state to hear from you, and highlight a few priorities that I know Granite Staters care about. For example, I was thrilled to hold my third Career and Opportunities Fair in Claremont to match up job seekers with Granite State employers, and I toured the Route 10 bridge replacement project in Winchester, to…