Supporting Small Businesses

We're all in this together

| Posted in Catching Up with Annie

Dear Friend, During this time of hyper partisanship in Washington it’s so important to find areas of common ground where we can push for our shared goals that will benefit Granite Staters and the American people. That’s why I’ve formed two bipartisan Task Forces, one to tackle the opioid epidemic and the other to address sexual violence. Both these issues pose…

Kuster Votes Against Republican Budget

| Posted in Press Releases

Today Congresswoman Annie Kuster (NH-02) voted against a Republican budget that will pave the way for Congressional Republicans to advance tax cuts for the wealthiest corporations and individuals along party lines. “This budget, which was forced through Congress along party lines, is the wrong approach for New Hampshire and our country,” said Congresswoman Kuster. “A…

Kuster Opposes Republican Budget Proposal

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Congresswoman Annie Kuster (NH-02) released the following statement on her vote against the proposed Republican Budget: “The extreme Republican budget that I opposed today sets all the wrong priorities for hardworking families in New Hampshire and across our country,” said Congresswoman Kuster. “This budget gives massive tax cuts to the ultra-rich while slashing…

House Passes Kuster Legislation to Rename Saint-Gaudens National Historic Site

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**You can watch Congresswoman Kuster speak in support of her bill, Saint-Gaudens National Historical Park Redesignation Act HERE.** Last night, Congresswoman Annie Kuster (NH-02) welcomed unanimous House passage of legislation that would redesignate the Saint-Gaudens National Historic Site as a National Historical Park.  Earlier this year, Congresswoman Kuster introduced H.R. 965,…

It's time for a fairer tax system

| Posted in Catching Up with Annie

Dear Friend, I wanted to share with you an op-ed I wrote in the New Hampshire Business Review about the need for members of Congress to work together across the aisle to reform our tax code so that it supports hardworking families and small businesses in New Hampshire and across the country. Our current tax code overwhelming favors large corporations and the wealthiest…

Kuster Joins Senate and House Democrats to Unveil Ambitious Plan to Expand Broadband Internet Service to Rural Communities

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**86,000 NH Residents have access to only one provider** **16,000 NH Residents don’t have any providers in their area** **69,000 NH Residents don’t have access to broadband with 25 mega-bite per second download speeds** **Over 34 Million Americans, Including 23 Million Rural Americans, Do Not Have Internet Service Available To Them At Adequate Speed &…

Committed to serving you

| Posted in Catching Up with Annie

Hello Friend, Last week, I had the chance to travel around New Hampshire discussing issues critical to Granite State families, such as healthcare, workforce development, and the opioid epidemic. I’m committed to expanding economic opportunity, improving care for our veterans, ensuring everyone has access to quality and affordable healthcare, combating the opioid epidemic and…

Kuster Discusses Workforce Development Investment Act in Claremont with Business & Education Leaders

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(Claremont, NH) - Yesterday, Congresswoman Annie Kuster (NH-02) joined business and education leaders and students at Sugar River Valley Regional Technical Center (SRVRTC) to discuss the Workforce Development Investment Act of 2017. The bill, introduced by Congresswoman Kuster earlier this year, would create tax incentives to encourage companies and educators to train workers in the…

Kuster Votes in Favor of Hurricane Harvey Relief, Debt Ceiling Increase, Funding Government Operations

| Posted in Press Releases

Congresswoman Annie Kuster (NH-02) today voted in favor of bipartisan legislation to provide disaster aid to communities impacted by Hurricane Harvey. The legislation will also increase the debt ceiling and fund government operations until December 8, 2017. “Today, Congress took an important step to avoid a costly government shutdown or devastating default on our national…

Kuster Statement on President Trumps Decision to End DACA

| Posted in Press Releases

(Concord, NH) – Congresswoman Annie Kuster (NH-02) released the following statement on the decision by President Trump to end Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA): “I’m deeply disappointed by President Trump’s decision to end DACA, which allows people brought to the United States as children the opportunity to work legally and live without fear of…