Catching Up with Annie

Honoring Service

Dear Friend, 

I hope this message finds you well! As we gather across the Granite State with friends and family to honor the sacrifices of our brave men and women in uniform, I wanted to take a moment to update you on my week in Washington.

Honored to participate in the 20th Annual Memorial Day Wreath Laying Ceremony.

I was honored to attend the 20th Annual Women in the Military Wreath Laying Ceremony at the Women in Military Service for America Memorial at Arlington National Ceremony. We can never express our gratitude to the brave members of our Armed Forces enough, and I look forward to joining with Granite Staters in Boscawen next week to pay tribute to our fallen heroes.

On Tuesday, the House passed my bill, the VA Prescription Data Accountability Act, which will improve prescription drug monitoring within the Department of Veterans Affairs. Prescription drug monitoring is an essential step in our fight to combat the nation's opioid epidemic, and I'm pleased that Republicans and Democrats were able to come together behind this commonsense proposal.

This week we also took important steps to protect the privacy and safety of members of our Armed Forces. The PRIVATE Act, introduced in the wake of the "Marines United" Facebook group scandal, would amend the Uniform Code of Military Justice to prohibit non-consensual sharing of intimate images. We face many challenges in how we address the culture of sexual violence that exists throughout the country, but I'm encouraged by the bipartisan support for efforts to address this persistent issue.

Speaking on the House floor in support of the PRIVATE Act.

I also introduced bipartisan legislation to honor the unsung heroes of the Ghost Army, whose innovative tactics sowed confusion among enemy forces during World War II. The members of the Ghost Army, including Granite Stater Mickey McKane, saved countless Allied lives through their visual and acoustic deception. It's long past time that these brave Americans were recognized for their contributions to the war effort during WWII.

Members of the 23rd lift a "tank." (Rick Beyer/Hatcher Graduate Library) The Ghost Army used visual and auditory deception to confuse enemy forces. 

As the daughter of a WWII veteran, and a member of the House Committee on Veterans Affairs, honoring our service members and their incredible sacrifices is close to my heart. This Memorial Day, I hope you'll take the time to reflect on the service of the brave men and women who have served in uniform and those who have made the ultimate sacrifice so that we may enjoy the freedoms we hold dear.

As always, please do not hesitate to reach out to my office with your ideas, suggestions, or if we can be of any assistance. Our number in Concord is (603) 226-1002, and in Washington it's (202) 225-5206.
