Catching Up with Annie

Serving those who serve us

Dear Friend,

On Veterans Day tomorrow, we gather to commemorate the bravery, patriotism, and sacrifice of the heroic veterans, active duty service men and women, military families, and those who gave their lives to keep our country safe. I watched my father and father-in-law struggle with the unseen wounds of war after their service in World War II, and I appreciate the need to support all our veterans when they return home from the battlefield.  These courageous Americans have earned our deepest admiration and respect—tomorrow and every day. So while Americans may have differences on politics or policy, we must stand shoulder to shoulder and do everything we can to provide veterans with the services they deserve.

As a member of the House Veterans’ Affairs Committee, I’m working across the aisle to enact commonsense reforms that will help veterans here in New Hampshire and all around the country. We know veterans have faced unacceptable challenges in access to care, which is why I’ve focused on advancing bipartisan legislation aimed at improving services for veterans, such as the VA Accountability First Act of 2017. This legislation—which includes a provision from an amendment I introduced to strengthen VA whistleblower protections—will give the Veterans Affairs Department the authority to fire, demote, or suspend employees for poor performance or misconduct using an expedited process. I’m proud that Congress has taken steps like these to help support our brave men and women in uniform and I will continue to work with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to better serve those who have served us. 

On this Veterans Day and always, let’s commit to working for those who have given so much for us. 
