Catching Up with Annie

Speaking out

Hello Everyone!

I hope you have all been enjoying the last few weeks of summer! It’s been a busy first few weeks back in session in DC, and I wanted to take the time to fill you in on some of the work I’ve been doing recently.

Chessy Prout

By now much of America knows the story of Chessy Prout, a courageous young woman who has bravely turned her experience as a sexual assault survivor into a rallying cry for others.

Applauding Chessy Prout's bravery on the House floor.

Chessy’s tremendous bravery and strength is inspirational and lets other survivors know they are not alone. Chessy’s social media campaign, #IHaveTheRightTo, has already reached over 5 million people. Through her campaign, Chessy is standing up for every survivor and empowering other victims to come forward and share their stories. This week, I honored Chessy’s work on the House floor and renewed my commitment to changing the culture around sexual assault and seeing that the Survivors' Bill of Rights Act is signed into law.  

Watch my full remarks here.

No Fly No Buy

It’s no secret that gun violence is devastating communities across the country. Moments of silence are not enough; we must take action to prevent more senseless gun violence in our communities. That’s why I called for a vote on No Fly, No Buy on the House floor on Wednesday. If you can’t get on a plane, you shouldn’t be able to buy a gun. Stopping terrorists from buying guns is commonsense and most responsible gun owners agree. We can protect our Second Amendment rights and also keep guns out of the hands of dangerous criminals. 

Watch my full remarks here.

Veterans Affairs Legislative Update

The men and women who serve our nation in war make incredible sacrifices in the defense of our freedoms. When they return home, they should have the peace of mind that they will be able to access the healthcare and support they deserve. While we have made progress in addressing the mismanagement issues that have plagued the Department of Veteran’s Affairs, there is still much work to be done. I’m pleased that this week, the House passed legislation to increase accountability for employees responsible for problems at VA facilities. This bill would also address the benefit appeals wait time, which currently can be up to five years. In addition, the bill includes an amendment that would improve access to recreational equipment for disabled veterans. As a member of the Veterans’ Affairs Committee, I’m committed to continuing to improve resources for our brave veterans.


Last week, I was proud to speak on the House floor to celebrate the New Hampshire College and University Council (NHCUC), which celebrated 50 years earlier this month, and to recognize their President Thomas Horgan, who will be stepping down next summer after 23 years on the job. The NHCUC has long been committed to working to strengthen the Granite State’s education system, and through their efforts, they have helped ensure our colleges and universities continue to help drive our state’s economy. Education at every level is vitally important, and we must continue to promote and work with organizations like the NHCUC to ensure all students have the resources to grow and succeed.

Watch my full remarks here.

Thanks for all that you do to make New Hampshire such a great place to live!