Catching Up with Annie

Keeping the internet fair

While Congressional Republicans continue to pursue their misguided tax plan that will overwhelmingly benefit corporate special interests and the wealthiest individuals at the expense of hardworking Granite State families, the Trump Administration is also now taking aim at equality on the internet.

I was very disappointed by Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chairman Ajit Pai’s plan to repeal Obama-era regulations that maintain net neutrality. Internet service providers should not be able to pick winners and losers on the internet. Net neutrality is fundamental to maintaining a level playing field on the web for small businesses and consumers, which is critical to the 21st Century economy. The proposal announced by Chairman Pai will undermine the ability of people from all economic backgrounds to access equal speed and service on the internet.

My office has been flooded by phone calls from people like you who are opposed to this decision. Make sure that you, your friends, and your family speak out. I’ve voted against efforts to roll back net neutrality in the past and I’ll continue to look for ways to stop this effort by Chairman Pai, the FCC, and the Trump Administration. 
