Catching Up with Annie

The warmth of the holiday season

Dear Friend, 

At this special time of year, it’s important to remember what the holiday season is all about: giving to others, practicing gratitude, reflecting on the year behind us, and looking to the year ahead with hope. Today and always, I especially want to express my gratitude to the men and women who are spending the holidays away from family serving to defend our freedoms. 

As we gather with our families, friends and loved ones to celebrate the season and the start of 2018, let us take a moment to reach out to our neighbors and spread the warmth of the season to all. Simply offering a smile, a warm meal or a helping hand with everyday tasks can make a world of difference.

Though this past year has been marked by much partisan division, I have focused on working together with all my colleagues to get real results for all Granite Staters. I’ve had legislation signed into law that will address challenges at the Department of Veterans Affairs and improve our response to the opioid epidemic. I’m working to boost jobs and our economy through expanded trade and tourism with Canada. We’ve come together, both Republican and Democrat, to begin to change the all too prevalent culture of sexual harassment and assault. And we’ve pushed back against efforts to threaten the healthcare of millions of Americans and thousands of people in New Hampshire.

Over the past year, thousands of you have written to my office or called to share your ideas and concerns. Hearing all of you speak out in favor of fairness, justice, and helping those in need leaves me hopeful for the coming year. I’ll continue to fight for you and for everyone in the Granite State.

I encourage you to stay in touch with me in 2018. You can call my Concord office at 603-226-1002 to share your thoughts or visit

Thank you for everything you do to make New Hampshire such a wonderful place to live. I hope you have a great holiday and happy New Year! 
