Press Releases

In Letter to New Hampshire Attorney General, Congressional Delegation Urges Participation in Net Neutrality Legal Action

Today, Senators Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) and Maggie Hassan (D-NH), and Congresswomen Annie Kuster (NH-02) and Carol Shea-Porter (NH-01), are urging New Hampshire Attorney General Gordon MacDonald and Governor Chris Sununu to take action to protect Granite State consumers and small businesses from the negative impacts of the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) decision to rollback net neutrality regulations. Yesterday the FCC voted 3-2 to dismantle Obama-era regulations that maintain a level playing field for internet users. In the wake of that decision, numerous states have indicated their intention to bring legal action against the FCC to protect net neutrality.

“Start-ups and small businesses in New Hampshire should be able to use the web to reach consumers throughout the country and world unhindered,” the delegation wrote. “We have heard from thousands of people in New Hampshire who are opposed to the FCC’s decision and are concerned about the impact it will have on their lives. As we pursue legislative solutions in Congress to protect the rights of Granite Staters on the web, we urge you to join with states across the country that are planning to bring legal action against the FCC to block this decision. New Hampshire should be on the forefront of defending a free and open internet to maintain our economic competitiveness and protect Granite State consumers.”

The full text of the delegation’s letter is available here and below.

December 15, 2017

NH Department of Justice
Gordon J. MacDonald, Attorney General 
33 Capitol Street
Concord, NH 03301

Dear Attorney General MacDonald,

We write to you in regards to yesterday’s vote by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to dismantle rules protecting net neutrality and to urge you to take any actions possible at the state level to protect New Hampshire consumers and businesses from the damage of this backward decision.

Net neutrality is critical for maintaining a fair and open experience on the web for all users. The decision to rollback net neutrality protections has the potential to stifle innovation and put small businesses and entrepreneurs at a serious disadvantage.

A large majority of Americans from across the political spectrum support maintaining a free and open internet. This is not a partisan issue. Consumers should not face a situation where websites and content are blocked or slowed down at the discretion of internet service providers (ISPs).

The free and open internet has been an unparalleled success which has fostered innovation, created countless jobs and industries, connected billions of people, and shaped the 21st Century economy. Start-ups and small businesses in New Hampshire should be able to use the web to reach consumers throughout the country and world unhindered. ISPs should not be in the business of picking winners and losers online.

We have heard from thousands of people in New Hampshire who are opposed to the FCC’s decision and are concerned about the impact it will have on their lives. As we pursue legislative solutions in Congress to protect the rights of Granite Staters on the web, we urge you to join with states across the country that are planning to bring legal action against the FCC to block this decision. New Hampshire should be on the forefront of defending a free and open internet to maintain our economic competitiveness and protect Granite State consumers. We stand ready to work with you on this critical issue.


Jeanne Shaheen                                                                                         Margaret Wood Hassan

United States Senator                                                                                United States Senator

Carol Shea-Porter                                                                                    Ann McLane Kuster

United States Representative                                                                  United States Representative

CC: Governor Chris Sununu 
