Press Releases

Kuster Votes in Opposition to Legislation Deregulating Big Banks

Congresswoman Annie Kuster (NH-02) today voted in opposition to the Financial CHOICE Act, legislation that would repeal aspects of Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform that are important to protecting consumers and the economy from reckless practices.

“In 2008, we saw the devastating effect that reckless big banks can have on our economy,” said Congresswoman Kuster. “Dodd-Frank was put in place because the financial crisis made clear that a few bad actors can hurt the economic wellbeing of millions of Americans. We can’t go back to a time when Wall Street can wreck Main Street. I have consistently supported efforts to roll back burdensome regulations that impact our small community banks and credit unions that had no role in the financial crisis. The bill I opposed today went too far in deregulating billion-dollar institutions and rolling back protections for consumers and the economy.”
