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Nashua Patch: Kuster Hosts Regional Passenger Rail Summit

U.S. Rep. Ann McLane Kuster, D-NH, hosted a passenger rail summit discussing ongoing and upcoming rail projects around the Northeast on Oct. 19, 2015, in Nashua.

The summit convened federal, state and local transportation experts as well as more 100 stakeholders from across New England to provide updates on key projects and to highlight the economic impact of passenger rail across the region.

During the summit, representatives from the Federal Railroad Administration, the Federal Transit Administration, and the New England states’ departments of transportation gave presentations addressing the challenges facing passenger rail projects across the region, as well as the role of passenger rail on the local workforce and economy. Following the last presentation, attendees were able to ask questions directly to Kuster and the other presenters.

“Our transportation networks in New Hampshire serve as vital economic engines that drive economic growth and create jobs in our communities,” said Kuster. “If we are to expand passenger rail both in New Hampshire and around New England, it is essential that we coordinate our efforts across all states to build a continuous rail system that meets the needs of our workforce, our employees, and our families. I am so thrilled that representatives from leading transportation authorities across the region and the nation were able to join me for this summit toady and share updates as well as best practices when it comes to ongoing and upcoming rail projects. I look forward to working together to strengthen our transportation infrastructure so we can best meet the needs of our residents, businesses and tourists alike, today and for many generations to come.”

Today’s summit gave transportation professionals a chance to share their expertise, suggestions, and concerns with Kuster on how Congress can better support rail infrastructure in the Granite State and across the region. Experts were also able to use Monday’s summit to hear comprehensive updates on nearby rail projects so that they can identify best practices and better coordinate strategy to drive forward ongoing and future rail projects across the region.

Kuster has been a strong advocate for federal funding for projects to repair and expand New Hampshire’s transportation infrastructure. She is a member of the High-Speed and Intercity Passenger Rail Caucus, and she has consistently supported appropriations for Amtrak during her time in Congress. Kuster also recently led 60 members of Congress in a request to the House Appropriations Committee to provide robust funding for capital projects to expand or establish rail transit. She has long supported expanded transportation options in southern New Hampshire, which would connect Granite Staters in New Hampshire’s largest population centers to Boston and help boost the New Hampshire economy and create jobs.