Press Releases

Kuster Votes For American Manufacturing and Jobs Legislation

**Securing our supply chains means we will not only ensure a dependable supply of goods for U.S. manufacturers, but also grow our economy, cut costs for Americans, and create jobs**


Washington, D.C. — Today, Rep. Annie Kuster (NH-02) voted for the America COMPETES Act, a strong legislative package to compete with China, bolster American supply chains, shift critical manufacturing back to the United States, foster American scientific and technological leadership, and strengthen our global competitiveness. 


“The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the existing cracks in our American economy and supply chain, and it is essential for the future success of our country and our citizens that we address these issues head-on,” said Rep. Annie Kuster. “The America COMPETES Act does just that by taking the lessons learned during the pandemic and putting them into action. This legislation is all about growing America’s manufacturing industries, investing in STEM workforce initiatives to train the next generation of American workers, and ensuring our country remains competitive into the 21st century. I was proud to vote for this legislation today to tamp down inflation, create jobs, and ensure businesses in New Hampshire and across the country have the economic systems to thrive.”


The America COMPETES Act will super-charge American innovation and competitiveness, immediately and in the long run, by:  

  • Making Critically-Needed Semiconductors in America: Over the past 30 years, the United States’ global share of manufacturing semiconductors – an increasingly essential component in everything from computers to cars – has fallen. The America COMPETES Act appropriates $52 billion to support American semiconductor fabrication, address supply chain disruptions, and ensure more semiconductors are produced here at home.
  • Fixing the Supply Chain & Strengthening American Manufacturing: The disruption of the pandemic has exposed deeper weaknesses in our supply chain. The America COMPETES Act authorizes $45 billion to build more critical components in America, strengthen American manufacturing, and protect our national security with American-made capacity to prevent shortages and disruptions.
  • Turbocharging American Scientific Research, Technology & Innovation Excellence: To ensure America leads the technologies of the future, the America COMPETES Act includes bipartisan science, research, and technology bills to turbocharge American innovation, focus on solutions, and maximize the American talent pool by strengthening and diversifying our nation’s STEM workforce.
  • Securing America’s Global Competitiveness & Leadership: The America COMPETES Act Includes provisions to strengthen and promote America’s leadership on the key issues of our time, including the climate crisis and the coronavirus pandemic. This legislation takes real, strong action to hold China accountable for its trade abuses and its human rights violations, including the genocide against the Uyghurs.


Despite the ongoing challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, the first year of the Biden-Harris administration has brought significant economic wins for our country. 2021 marked the greatest year of job creation in American history, with a GDP growth of 5.7% — and the January 2022 jobs report showed that the U.S. created 467,000 jobs last month. Our country is seeing one of the best economies for American workers in decades, with workers getting higher wages, better benefits, and better jobs across the board.

