Press Releases

Kuster Advances Legislation To Bolster Food Supply Chains, Address Delays Through Agriculture Committee

**The full Committee markup is available HERE, and Rep. Kuster’s full remarks are available HERE**


Washington, D.C. — Today, Rep. Annie Kuster (NH-02) helped advance legislation through the House Agriculture Committee to address the national food supply chain issue and bolster our nation’s agricultural infrastructure. During the markup, Kuster spoke on behalf of H.R. 7675, the Strengthening the Agriculture and Food Supply Chain Act, which she cosponsored.


“Our Granite State farmers and producers are the backbone of our local food supply chains, and it is essential that we support them as they work to deliver healthy, nutritious food to our communities,” said Rep. Kuster. “I am proud to be a member of the House Agriculture Committee to help advance commonsense, bipartisan legislation to strengthen our food supply chains, establish more resilient production infrastructure, and prevent delays. I will continue working to bring the voices of our New Hampshire farms to Congress.”


Specifically, H.R. 7675, the Strengthening the Agriculture and Food Supply Chain Act, will create a dedicated task force designed to shore up the American food supply chain, increase government coordination, and provide a report to Congress to prevent future supply chain issues.


Rep. Kuster is a fierce advocate for New Hampshire’s agricultural producers in Congress. A seasoned member of the Agriculture Committee, Kuster is well-positioned to bring the voices of NH farmers to Washington and ensure their priorities and concerns are included in critical legislation, like the Farm Bill.

