Press Releases

Kuster Votes To Lower Gas and Grocery Costs, Sending Critical Relief Legislation to Senate


**Kuster urged passage of this legislation at a press conference on Wednesday**


Washington, D.C. — Today, Congresswoman Annie Kuster (NH-02) voted for a comprehensive, bipartisan package of bills to lower prices for Granite Staters in the grocery store and at the gas pump. The Lower Food and Fuel Costs Act takes concrete steps to bring down expenses for Americans by lowering fertilizer costs for farmers, increasing meat processing capacity, and expanding access to Unleaded 88.


“I am listening to Granite Staters every day and fighting to lower costs for New Hampshire families,” said Rep. Kuster. “The legislation passed by the House today puts into action measures supported by Democrats and Republicans to address inflation and combat high prices. The bill cuts input costs for farmers, cracks down on anti-competitive behavior, and expands cheaper fuel purchasing options. I will continue pushing my colleagues and the Biden administration to use every tool at our disposal to lower costs for New Hampshire.”


Specifically, the Lower Food and Fuel Costs Act will:

  • Lower Fertilizer Costs in the Field to Lower Food Prices in the Grocery Store
    • Reduces American dependence on foreign fertilizer production and includes bipartisan bills to help American farmers lower their costs with USDA funds as well as loan guarantees to pay for solutions, including precision agriculture, to use fertilizers more efficiently.
  • Lower Meat & Poultry Costs by Increasing Meatpacking Competition & Capacity
    • Strengthens competition in the meat and poultry sector and alleviates the supply chain bottlenecks that let meatpacking conglomerates set bad prices for producers and consumers alike.
  • Lower Prices at the Pump by Making Cheaper, Cleaner Unleaded 88 More Available
    • Expands access to Unleaded 88 and helps deploy storage and dispensing equipment for higher ethanol blends, biodiesel, and sustainable aviation fuel. Breaks the grip of foreign leaders weaponizing the price of oil and gas.

