Press Releases

Kuster Statement on Biden Administration’s Student Debt Relief Announcement

**More than 40 million Americans are in debt for their education**

Today, Congresswoman Annie Kuster (NH-02) released the following statement on the Biden administration’s announcement that student loan borrowers who make less than $125,000 per year will have up to $10,000 of their debt forgiven, and low-income borrowers who received Pell Grants will have up to a total $20,000 of their debt forgiven:

“While the steps announced by the Biden administration today to address student loan debt represent positive progress to deliver some relief to low-income and middle-class families, more must be done to make education affordable and ensure student loan debt isn’t financially debilitating millions of Americans and weakening our economy.

“Student loan debt has been financially devastating for many Granite Staters — especially for the nearly 40 percent of student loan borrowers who are on the hook paying for an education they didn’t complete. For those who did graduate and hold degrees, many are not making a living wage. A traditional four-year education is not the path for everyone, and I have long pushed for expanding access to more forms of education including skills training, workforce development, and apprenticeship programs which are crucial to solving the workforce shortage, strengthening our economy, and improving the lives of Granite Staters.”
