Press Releases

Kuster Statement on Reversal of Tariffs on Groundwood Paper

**Yesterday, Kuster Toured Yankee Publishing in Dublin to Hear About the Pressures of the Tariffs on Their Company**

(Concord, NH) – Congresswoman Annie Kuster (NH-02) released the following statement on the unanimous decision of the International Trade Commission 5-0 to reverse tariffs on Canadian groundwood paper, which has strained industries that rely on paper products such as newspapers and publishing. Yesterday in Dublin, Kuster met with leadership at Yankee Publishing, which owns the Old Farmer’s Almanac, and discussed the impact that tariffs have had on their business.  Kuster is a cosponsor of the Print Act to address the challenges posed by tariffs on paper using industries.

“I’m encouraged by the decision to overturn these job-killing tariffs which threatened local newspapers and publishers,” said Kuster. “We need to support industries that are central to our democracy, including the free press and publishers. Yesterday, I heard about the strain these tariffs have placed on Yankee Publishing and I urge President Trump to consider the impact on small businesses and workers before charging into trade disputes.”  

“The lifting of the tariff is an immense relief for The Old Farmer’s Almanac going forward, as we want to maintain a high standard of content at a fair value and affordable price for our loyal readers throughout the country,” said Sherin Pierce, Publisher at The Old Farmer’s Almanac. “These tariffs put pressure on our business, and we hope that our voices will be heard in future discussions. We appreciate the wise decision of the International Trade Commission and the support of our Congresswoman Annie Kuster.”
