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Nashua Telegraph: Kuster denounces Republican disinformation on abortion, votes no on ‘misguided’ legislation

Nashua Telegraph: Kuster denounces Republican disinformation on abortion, votes no on ‘misguided’ legislation

WASHINGTON – U.S. Rep. Annie Kuster (NH-02), a Member of the Pro-Choice Caucus, voted against two extreme Republican measures to restrict abortion access, spread harmful myths about abortion care, and overlook threats of violence to abortion providers and centers. Kuster is an outspoken advocate for reproductive freedom. In contrast to these Republican efforts, Kuster co-sponsored a resolution condemning all political violence and attacks on health care facilities and personnel.

“Let me be clear: killing a baby during or after birth is infanticide, and it is already illegal. To suggest that such a thing is even close to the medical procedure of abortion is dangerous, misleading, and utterly irresponsible,” said Kuster. “Today, Republican leadership showed yet again just how far from the facts and the will of the people they are willing to go. I voted no on this bill that has no bearing in reality and instead perpetuates harmful myths about abortion and health care professionals.

Kuster continued, “I condemn all acts of political violence, regardless of who is the target. The United States Congress cannot be in the business of picking and choosing which acts of violence warrant condemnation. I voted against this resolution and stand united with the majority of New Hampshire residents who support abortion access.”

Already in the 118th Congress, the new Republican leadership has proven they are intent on restricting access to abortion care and interfering with women’s health care. Congresswoman Kuster is a champion for less government interference in our personal, private lives. A supporter of the Women’s Health Protection Act, she will continue fighting to keep politicians out of private reproductive decisions.