Press Releases

Kuster Highlights Ways Her Office Can Help Granite Staters

Concord, N.H. — Today, Congresswoman Annie Kuster (NH-02) met with constituents from New Hampshire’s Second District to highlight ways that her office can support and assist Granite Staters. From navigating federal agencies to accessing hard-earned benefits, Rep. Kuster’s office is here to help. Kuster spoke with Justin of Warren, who needed support with a tax redundancy; Peter from Loudon, who had a passport issue while traveling; and Mark from Danbury, a retired public servant and air force veteran who could not access his retirement account.


“My most important job as the representative for New Hampshire’s Second Congressional District is supporting Granite Staters,” said Kuster. “Thank you to Justin, Peter, and Mark for meeting with me today to talk about how my office is available to help folks just like them as they navigate federal agencies. If you or someone you know is in need of assistance, please reach out to my Concord office at (603) 226-1002. We are here to help!”


“I had reached out to Representative Kuster regarding a rejection I was getting from the IRS,” said Justin. “In a couple of weeks, I received letters from both agencies saying the issue had been resolved. I immediately turned around and reached out to the office to say, ‘I think this is because of you and your office, and I want to thank you so much for being able to help me with that.’”


Peter said, “Without Representative Kuster’s office caring to find a solution, this trip would have failed, and my wife’s son would have been married without his only living parent in attendance. Representative Kuster’s office worked their magic and created a miracle for many people.”


“As a former public servant and veteran, the government has a retirement program, and about nine or ten months ago, they instituted a new security protocol and I was unable to access my funds,” said Mark. “With your office’s help, we were finally able to access my funds without a significant delay. It’s such a pleasure to be able to see the faces of those who assisted me and I’m so grateful for your help.”


People in New Hampshire’s Second Congressional District who need assistance can contact Representative Kuster’s office at 603-226-1002 or visit her website

