Press Releases

Kuster Appointed to Farm Bill Conference Committee

Today, Congresswoman Annie Kuster (NH-02), the first Representative from New Hampshire to serve on the House Agriculture Committee in decades, was named as a Conferee to the Farm Bill Conference Committee. This Conference Committee will have the task of reconciling the House-passed and Senate-passed Farm Bills that reauthorize Federal farm and nutrition policy. The Farm Bill, which is reauthorized every five years by Congress, covers programs related to agriculture, such as nutrition, conservation, forestry, and rural development. The current Farm Bill expires on September 30, 2018.

“I am honored to represent New Hampshire’s hard-working farmers, consumers, and rural communities on the Farm Bill Conference Committee,” said Kuster. “This committee has the difficult task of resolving the wide differences between the House and Senate-passed Farm Bills. The Farm Bill is an opportunity for Republicans and Democrats to come together and provide long-term certainty for families facing food insecurity and farmers that are struggling with low commodity prices, an unstable trade market, and persistent labor shortages. I am eager to work in a bipartisan manner to craft a common-sense bill that supports America’s farmers and also protects the integrity of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), which helps more than 90,000 Granite Staters put food on the table.”
