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Union Leader: Nashua Roundtable Takes on Student Debt

Student loan debt and access to start-up capital were the primary topics of discussion at Tuesday’s roundtable with state and national leaders. 

Congresswoman Annie Kuster hosted a group of young entrepreneurs from the Greater Nashua area to speak with Rep. Eric Swalwell, a congressman from California’s 15th District, about opportunities for millennial Americans.

One of the biggest challenges facing today’s youth is the growing amount of student loan debt upon college graduation, according to Swalwell, who says he still owes $100,000. 

“It will follow you all the way to the grave,” said Swalwell, maintaining it is nearly impossible for graduates with $80,000 in college debt who are earning a median income to pay off their loans.

America’s largest generation of millennials are being held back by loan debt and college tuition costs, he said, adding millennials owe a combined $1.3 trillion in student loan debt. 

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