Press Releases

Kuster Visits Mechanic Street in Lebanon, Tours Project Progress Made Possible By Federal Funding


**Rep. Kuster secured funding for 10 Community Projects in New Hampshire’s Second District in the 2022 government spending package, the maximum possible**

**Earlier in the day, Kuster walked the Hanover Multi-Use Path, another project made possible by federal funding she secured**


Lebanon, N.H. — Today, Rep. Annie Kuster (NH-02) visited the Mechanic Street Sidewalk Project in Lebanon with town leaders and discussed the $290,250 in federal funding she secured to make this construction possible. The resources Rep. Kuster secured in the 2022 government spending package will be used to construct a pedestrian sidewalk on Mechanic Street. Currently, this section of road is heavily trafficked by both pedestrians and vehicles creating dangerous conditions on the roadway.


“From students walking to school to employees commuting to work, safe sidewalks and pedestrian throughways are critical to strong local infrastructure here in Lebanon,” said Rep. Kuster. “The Mechanic Street Sidewalk Project will ensure safe travel for Granite Staters on foot and in their cars on this heavily trafficked stretch of road. I was proud to secure federal dollars for this new construction and to support the City of Lebanon’s development.”


“The funding that Congresswoman Kuster advocated for and was subsequently appropriated by Congress has revived the City’s stalled plans to complete the gaps in Lebanon’s sidewalk network that citizens rely upon to get to work and to markets,” said Lebanon City Manager Shaun Mulholland. “The Mechanic St. sidewalk project will connect Slayton Hill Rd. and the present gap on Mechanic St. This is another example of Congresswoman Kuster providing direct assistance to our communities that produce results that impact our citizens in a positive way.”


Under the Community Project Funding Request process for the 117th Congress, which was included in this bipartisan omnibus package, Rep. Annie Kuster secured resources for 10 Community Projects in the Second District. 

