Press Releases

Kuster Highlights Federal Funding with Berlin City Officials

**Rep. Kuster secured funding for 10 Community Projects in New Hampshire’s Second District in the 2022 government spending package, the maximum possible**


Berlin, N.H. — Yesterday, Congresswoman Annie Kuster (NH-02) joined City of Berlin officials to discuss the ongoing repairs of the Mason Street Bridge, a critical point of connection between the east and west sides of the city. Rep. Kuster secured $600,000 in federal funding for this project through the 2022 government funding package.


“The rehabilitation of the Mason Street Bridge is essential to the functioning of the city’s emergency services and sense of community,” said Rep. Kuster. “Whether it be students heading to school or firefighters responding to calls, the Mason Street Bridge plays an important role in Berlin. I was proud to secure federal funding to advance much-needed bridge repairs and ensure the safety and functionality of this critical infrastructure for generations to come.”


“The Mason Street Bridge is a critical junction between the City of Berlin’s east and west sides, helping to connect families, businesses, and emergency services,” said Pamela Laflamme, Interim Berlin City Manager. “But, the bridge is in need of serious repairs. Thanks to the federal funding secured by Congresswoman Annie Kuster, the City of Berlin will be able to make the needed repairs to ensure its safety and functionality for the community.”


Under the Community Project Funding Request process for the 117th Congress, which was included in the bipartisan omnibus package, Rep. Annie Kuster secured resources for 10 Community Projects in the Second District.

