Catching Up with Annie

Amplifying your voice

| Posted in Catching Up with Annie

Hi, everyone!  I hope you had a lovely Memorial Day Weekend! As the daughter of a World War II veteran and as a member of the House Veterans Affairs Committee, Memorial Day has always had a very special place in my heart. This year, I had the opportunity to recognize our fallen servicemen and women during a beautiful ceremony at the State Veterans Cemetery in Boscawen. I offer my…

Join me for my biggest fair yet

| Posted in Catching Up with Annie

Hi Everyone!    Next week, I am hosting a jobs and opportunity fair in Nashua to help connect local residents with jobs and employment and educational opportunities throughout the Granite State. My recent job fair in Lebanon connected over 80 job seekers with employers and skill training programs from across the state, and I’m excited to bring my latest fair to the…

Big news - Kinder Morgan Halts Pipeline Project

| Posted in Catching Up with Annie

Dear Friends,  This afternoon, Kinder Morgan announced that it has indefinitely suspended the Northeast Energy Direct pipeline project. I was proud to lead the fight against this project, and I am so pleased that Kinder Morgan has listened to our concerns.  As the Representative for New Hampshire’s Second District, it is my responsibility to look out for the best…

Turning the Tide Together

| Posted in Catching Up with Annie

Hello, everyone!   For many Granite Staters, the ongoing opioid epidemic is the most pressing issue facing New Hampshire today. I have been working with my colleagues in Congress and with local stakeholders to combat the crisis here in New Hampshire and across the country, and I’d like to share with you some of the most recent developments in this fight:    White…

Supporting our Law Enforcement

| Posted in Catching Up with Annie

Hello, everyone!   This week, I wanted to share with you some important news that will help our law enforcement effectively combat the opioid epidemic threatening communities across New Hampshire.    Three months ago, the Department of Justice made a decision to suspend the Asset Forfeiture Program, which provides funds to help law enforcement’s public safety and…

Im here to help

| Posted in Catching Up with Annie

Hello, everyone! I hope that you have been enjoying the recent spring-like weather here in the Granite State! I’m writing to share with you a few brief examples of what I’ve been doing recently to assist Granite Staters like you. As your Representative in Congress, I stand ready to help should you encounter any problems related to a federal government service. I often hear…


| Posted in Catching Up with Annie

Hello, everyone! This week, I wanted to provide an update on some of my latest work to combat the opioid crisis. I know stakeholders across the Granite State are engaging in this fight, and I encourage individual communities and organizations to contact my office to learn about federal government programs and grants that might be available to assist you in your local efforts. Please…

Putting a Face on Addiction

| Posted in Catching Up with Annie

Hello, everyone! I wanted to write this week to tell you about some of my latest work to combat the substance use crisis in New Hampshire. Last week, I called a Special Order on the House floor, during which Members of Congress joined me in putting a face on addiction by sharing stories of loved ones who have been affected by heroin use. The opioid epidemic has grown to historic…

Delivering Holiday Cards for Heroes

| Posted in Catching Up with Annie

Hello! This month, I have been busy fighting for the priorities we all care about here in New Hampshire - protecting our national security, creating new jobs in the Granite State, taking care of our veterans, and making college more affordable for students and families. Below please learn a little more about my continued efforts to stand up for NH families! Sharing Holiday Cheer with our…

Visiting American Troops in the Middle

| Posted in Catching Up with Annie

Belated Thanksgiving greetings from Kabul! I just returned from an incredible six day Congressional delegation trip to Dubai, Afghanistan and Kuwait with some of my colleagues from the House Veterans Affairs Committee. I was joined on the bipartisan trip by Representatives Mike Coffman (CO-6), Phil Roe (TN-1), Ralph Abraham (LA-5), Beto O’Rourke (TX-16), and Mark Takano…