Catching Up with Annie

Building a Clean, Energy Efficient Economy

| Posted in Catching Up with Annie

Dear Friend,     Building a Clean, Energy Efficient Economy On Tuesday, I sat down with local community leaders and energy and environmental experts in Nashua to discuss the city’s energy initiatives and my Clean Energy Agenda. We must tackle climate change from all sides using bipartisan, common-sense solutions that will have both immediate and…

Ensuring Access to Mental & Behavioral Health Care

| Posted in Catching Up with Annie

Dear Friend, Ensuring Access to Mental & Behavioral Health Care  On Wednesday, I joined Representative Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA), my co-chair of the Bipartisan Opioid Task Force, for a roundtable discussion on the challenges many Americans face in accessing mental health and substance use treatment under certain insurance plans. Despite federal laws requiring mental and…

My Special Guest at the State of the Union

| Posted in Catching Up with Annie

Dear Friend, My Special Guest at the State of the Union  I was honored to bring Ross Cunningham, the Superintendent of the Merrimack County Department of Corrections, as my guest to the State of the Union. Mr. Cunningham has worked to improve and expand access to drug-related treatment in New Hampshire’s jails and reduce recidivism from drug-related crimes. He has a deep…

Building a Clean, Energy-Efficient Economy

| Posted in Catching Up with Annie

Dear Friend, Building a Clean, Energy-Efficient Economy On Monday, I held a roundtable discussion with environmental and energy policy experts and unveiled my Clean Energy Agenda, which consists of legislation I’ve led and am supporting to address climate change and transition to a clean energy economy. Simply put, we cannot fight climate change without building a…

What we accomplished in 2019

| Posted in Catching Up with Annie

Dear Jennifer, Happy 2020! As the new year gets underway, I take time to reflect on everything that’s happened in the previous year and what we’ve accomplished - and what a year 2019 was!  Honored to Represent You  At the start of 2019, I had the honor of taking the oath of office to continue representing the people of New Hampshire’s Second Congressional District. I’m…

Looking out for New Hampshire families and communities

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Dear Friend, Combating the Opioid Epidemic with Commonsense Solutions On Wednesday, I joined my colleagues on the Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations for a hearing to examine state efforts to curb the opioid epidemic. During the hearing, I addressed opportunities for future federal support at the state level and my work to reduce recidivism and…

A busy start to 2020

| Posted in Catching Up with Annie

Dear Friend,  Lowering Prescription Drug Costs Discussing H.R. 3. Read more here. It was great to join Granite State Progress and Riverbend Community Mental Health on Monday to discuss how Congress is fighting to lower the cost of prescription drugs and combat the opioid epidemic. I appreciate the opportunity to hear from folks in our…

Crossing the aisle to fund our government and support Granite State workers

| Posted in Catching Up with Annie

Dear Friend, Giving Thanks and Sharing Holiday Cheer with our Veterans This week I had the pleasure of sharing some holiday cheer with Granite State veterans as part of my seventh annual Holiday Cards for Heroes program. It was my honor to meet the residents of the New Hampshire Veterans Home in Tilton, where I delivered student-made cards to help say “thank you” to our…

Providing relief at the pharmacy counter

| Posted in Catching Up with Annie

Dear Friend,  Lowering the Price of Prescription Drugs The House took the historic step yesterday of passing H.R. 3, the Elijah E. Cummings Lower Drug Costs Now Act to lower the price of prescription drugs and give Americans peace of mind in being able to afford their medications. I was proud to secure $10 billion in funding to fight the opioid…