Press Releases

Kuster Issues Statement Following Supreme Court Ruling on Mifepristone

Washington, D.C. — Today, Congresswoman Annie Kuster (NH-02) issued the following statement after the Supreme Court unanimously rejected a challenge to restrict access to the abortion pill mifepristone: 

“Today’s unanimous ruling by the Supreme Court rejecting a baseless challenge that would restrict access to the abortion medication mifepristone is welcome news and a relief for millions of women and families. Personal and private medical decisions about birth control and abortion should be made between patients and their doctors, not politicians or judges.

“However, I am deeply concerned that the Court rejected this challenge on legal standing alone, leaving the door open for future attacks on women’s bodily autonomy. Let me be clear: this is not over. I will continue fighting until women and families can access the full slate of reproductive health care, from access to abortion to IVF to birth control.”

Kuster is a fierce advocate for personal freedom and expanding access to reproductive health care. Since Roe v. Wade was overturned, Kuster has championed legislation to expand access to reproductive health care and bodily autonomy, including:
