Improving Access to Affordable Health Care

Rep. Kuster Statement on Administration Plan to Allow Importation of Prescription Drugs from Canada

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Concord, N.H. – Rep. Annie Kuster (NH-02) released the following statement in response to the Trump Administration’s announcement that it would take steps to allow for the importation of certain lower-cost prescription drugs from Canada to help with prescription drug affordability. “The high cost of prescription…

House and Senate Democrats Unveil Resolution To Save Pre-Existing Condition Protections From Harmful Trump Administration Rule Pushing Junk Plans

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House and Senate Democrats Unveil Resolution To Undo Trump Administration 1332 Waiver Rule, Which Would Erode Pre-Existing Condition Protections For Millions Of Americans And Would Allow Providers To Offer Junk Plans That Cost More And Cover Less Under the Congressional Review Act, Senate Democrats Can Force A Majority-Threshold Vote On This New Resolution Within 60…

NH Delegation Announces New Federal Grant Funding to Support Franklin First Responders on Front Lines of Opioid Epidemic

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U.S. Senators Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) and Maggie Hassan (D-NH) and Representative Annie Kuster (NH-02) announced that the United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Rural Development agency has awarded $48,600 in federal funding to the city of Franklin. The funding will be used to purchase a new ambulance, allowing the city to more adequately respond to medical emergencies,…

A Humanitarian Crisis

| Posted in Catching Up with Annie

Dear Friend, My Visit to the Border Last weekend, I joined Representatives Jackie Speier, Vicente Gonzalez, Filemon Vela and 17 other Democratic Members of Congress at the U.S.-Mexico border near McAllen and Brownsville, Texas. We were briefed by detention center staff and spoke to children and parents at those locations as well as two nonprofit centers before crossing over the…

Combating Injustice

| Posted in Catching Up with Annie

Dear Friend, Fighting for Justice for Sexual Assault Survivors I’m relieved that Secretary of Labor Alex Acosta has resigned his position. It should not have taken Acosta this long to leave his post, but I am glad to see him go. The American people deserve better. Secretary Acosta’s role in the miscarriage of justice involving Jeffrey Epstein, who is facing sex…

Democratic lawmakers warn of serious consequences if ACA overturned

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MANCHESTER, N.H. — On the eve of arguments in front of a federal appeals court, New Hampshire's Democratic congressional delegation warned that a lawsuit aimed at overturning the Affordable Care Act could have devastating effects for thousands of Granite Staters. President Donald Trump has said the health care law isn't working and believes the lawsuit will be successful in…

Stepping up to do whats right

| Posted in Catching Up with Annie

Dear Friend, Protecting Access to Healthcare for Seniors On Monday, I toured the Maplewood Nursing Home in Westmoreland, which is currently under renovation. I met with Maplewood Staff and Cheshire County government officials to discuss expanding access to quality healthcare for seniors. As our population ages, we must safeguard Medicaid and invest in programs to help ensure seniors…

In Westmoreland, Kuster Tours Maplewood Nursing Home

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(Westmoreland, NH)-Yesterday, Congresswoman Annie Kuster (NH-02) toured the Maplewood Nursing Home, which is currently under renovation, and saw the new, 63,000-square-foot wing that is expected to be finished in October. Kuster also met with Maplewood Staff and Cheshire County government officials to view the architectural plans for the new building and renovations and discuss expanding…

Looking out for the public interest

| Posted in Catching Up with Annie

Dear Friend, Increasing Public Participation at FERC I joined Senate and House colleagues to introduce the Public Engagement at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Act, which would give the public an opportunity to play a part in forging our nation’s energy future by creating an office of Public Participation and Consumer Advocacy at FERC. I’ve long…

Kuster Pushes to Expand Medicare Coverage for Mental Health Services

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Today, Congresswoman Annie Kuster (NH-02) joined her colleagues to co-sponsor H.R. 945, the Mental Health Access Improvement Act of 2019. The bill will stop people from aging out of mental health care when they qualify for Medicare and ensure marriage and family therapy and mental health counselor services are covered. Kuster has heard from mental and behavioral health providers…