Catching Up with Annie

The National Defense Authorization Act of 2020: A Step Forward

| Posted in Catching Up with Annie

Dear Friend,  Passing the National Defense Authorization Act  On Friday, the House passed the 2020 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which funds the United States’ national defense and security operations, as well as a pay raise for our troops. The legislation also includes amendments I introduced to improve Department of Defense (DOD) Property…

Combating Injustice

| Posted in Catching Up with Annie

Dear Friend, Fighting for Justice for Sexual Assault Survivors I’m relieved that Secretary of Labor Alex Acosta has resigned his position. It should not have taken Acosta this long to leave his post, but I am glad to see him go. The American people deserve better. Secretary Acosta’s role in the miscarriage of justice involving Jeffrey Epstein, who is facing sex…

A moral and ethical responsibility

| Posted in Catching Up with Annie

Dear Friend, Supporting New Hampshire Communities On Friday I joined my friend, Congressman Chris Pappas, in rappelling down Manchester's Brady Sullivan Tower as part of United Way's "Over the Edge" event in support of Granite State communities. United Way serves families across New Hampshire to make our state stronger and healthier, and I look forward to our continued work…

Stepping up to do whats right

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Dear Friend, Protecting Access to Healthcare for Seniors On Monday, I toured the Maplewood Nursing Home in Westmoreland, which is currently under renovation. I met with Maplewood Staff and Cheshire County government officials to discuss expanding access to quality healthcare for seniors. As our population ages, we must safeguard Medicaid and invest in programs to help ensure seniors…

Looking out for the public interest

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Dear Friend, Increasing Public Participation at FERC I joined Senate and House colleagues to introduce the Public Engagement at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Act, which would give the public an opportunity to play a part in forging our nation’s energy future by creating an office of Public Participation and Consumer Advocacy at FERC. I’ve long…

75 Years Since D-Day

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Dear Friend, Honoring the Heroes of D-Day I had the opportunity to travel to Normandy, France as part of a CODEL to attend ceremonies commemorating the 75th anniversary of D-Day yesterday. It was deeply humbling to be in the spot where, on June 6, 1944, hundreds of thousands of brave Allied soldiers risked and gave their lives to begin the liberation of Europe from the evils of Nazi…

Why privacy matters for sexual assault survivors

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Dear Friend,  This week, I wrote an op-ed for the Boston Globe on why privacy matters for survivors of sexual assault. To end the epidemic of campus sexual violence, we must ensure survivors their privacy will be protected when they report. Doing otherwise risks re-traumatizing survivors, discourages reporting and puts other students at risk. You can read my…

Defending your right to healthcare

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Dear Friend,  Protecting Access to Healthcare  On Wednesday, I was proud to join my House and Senate colleagues for a press conference to defend the right to healthcare for Granite Staters and folks nationwide. The Trump Administration’s repeated attacks on the Affordable Care Act (ACA) threaten millions of Americans living with preexisting conditions - we…

Safeguarding Protections for People with Preexisting Conditions

| Posted in Catching Up with Annie

Speaking on the House Floor about my legislation. Watch here. Dear Friend,  Last night, the House passed my legislation, the Protecting Americans with Preexisting Conditions Act. This legislation safeguards protections for those living with preexisting conditions and provides much-needed pushback against the Trump Administration’s repeated and ongoing sabotage of the…

A Productive April in the Granite State

| Posted in Catching Up with Annie

Dear Friend, In April, I had the pleasure of sitting down with Granite Staters and visiting local businesses across our district to discuss some of the most important issues facing our state, such as improving access to affordable healthcare and creating good-paying jobs. I enjoyed spending the last few weeks discussing what we can do to prioritize issues I hear about most…